2. pregnancy

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"Now you remember her." Yuvraaj said.
I nodded my head.
"Two months ago, the girl in black. I remember her" I said quickly.

"And what did you do to her?" he asked in a malicious way, making my skin crawl.
" Ww--we slept together... but it was totally consensus. I promise I didn't force myself onto her."

He just hummed at my response and started to smoke again.
After a while he said with a cigar in his mouth.
"She is pregnant, and the baby is yours"

"WHAT!??" I asked loudly.
Pregnant!? Me!? Some girl?
How's that possible? Nn- no it can't be. I can't get anyone pregnant,right?
I used protection, right?
Oh god! I was clearly so drunk that I don't even remember using protection or not.
How can I be so irresponsible?

Did my life already lack any problem and now this.
As I was indulged in my thoughts. Yuvraaj kicked on my stomach and I landed on the ground, feeling weak and not able to get up.
I tried to and failed miserably.

As I was trying, suddenly someone from behind kicked me on my back. I landed on my chest, against yuvraaj expensive shoes.

I look up from the ground to find him looking at me as I am some parasite he wants to get rid of.
No wonder people call him emotionless.

He grabbed a bunchful of my hairs andade me stand up at his level. My feet were in the air. I could feel every nerve on my body because this man single handedly has pained all muscles and nerves.

"How the fuck you dared to touch my sister and not only that, get her pregnant too." He demanded an answer angrily.

I am able to feel the shaking of my whole body. If this man held me like this for some time, my hairs would come out from my scalp.

"Yuv, please stop this madness",
A sweet voice came from his back.
That Beautiful girl.
His sister.

She runs towards me with concern and empathy in her eyes.
She is so beautiful, even more than that day.
Her silky brown hairs which are held by a silky pink colour bow, her rose like pink lips, her red tomato like cheeks and the best out of all her light honey coloured eyes the single trait which both the siblings share.
But her eyes are soft and her brother's eyes are monstrous lurking for blood.

"Are you okay?" She asked, worriedly.
But there was much more than worry on her face, it was guilt maybe after seeing me in this state.She might be feeling guilty.

"Why should he be okay, innu?" Yuvraaj said while gritting his teeth.
I groan with a displeasing expression.
"Yuv, stop it.he is the father of my unborn child."she said sternly.

" That's why he doesn't deserve to live," he said, gritting his teeth.
" You know what yuv, I am taking him to my room and you are going to stay far away from him."

Ilya, yuvraaj Singhania bodyguard I suppose carried me to the guest bedroom in bridal style and I thought that there could be no worse thing happening than that beating.

Now here I am lying on the bed of the guest room, covered in bruises of red and purple colour.
Inayat Singhania, that's what her name is. Even the name is pretty, whereas her brother, Yuvraaj, is totally opposite. Even his name is traumatizing.

"How are you feeling now?"The beautiful lady came with a middle-aged man beside her, which I assume is a doctor.

"My muscles are in so much pain, even I would choose a bear over your brother, atmost the bear can only kill me, but your brother. Uff! I really pity his wife who have to deal with him"
I said jokingly.

"My brother is still single", she laughed.
'I mean who would marry such a nutcase' I thought. The doctor starts to examine my body and trusts me even his doctors are merciless. He has caused pain more than relief.

He prescribed me a bedrest for a whole damn week, what will I do in bed for a damn week.
I sat on the bed while their home manager got me some clothes and even helped me change.

" How is your wound now, Ayaan?" Inayat came into the room, accompanied by her brother.
Damn, I got a closer look now. He is actually really handsome, I can understand why girls drool over him despite knowing his shitty personality and the business he is into.

I am jealous, Really jealous of his huge muscular body. He is wearing a white shirt stained in my blood. His sleeves are rolled and the veins of his forearms are enough for a super straight guy like me to drool too.

"I am much better now, thanks to you" I answered when I got into my senses after legitly checking that mafia dude out.

" Huh why thanks to me, you should thank the doctor Ayaan" she said sweetly. Her voice is melodious.

" He is right, he should be thankful to you as you are the one who saved him or he would be dead." her brother said in his deep, masculine voice. Totally opposite of his sister.
The more sweet she is, the murderous he is
What an irony!! If there will be a book written on them, they both will be known as legendary siblings.

"Yuvraaj" she said sternly.
"Hey! You. I want you to marry my sister after the birth of my nephew".
He announced and got himself out of the room.

"Don't worry about him. You rest okay!" She also left after him.
Wow, now I am all alone.
~to be continued

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