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I stood in the dimly lit basement, my eyes fixed on Ayaan's parents, who were bound and gagged. Abhimann stood beside me, his expression cold and menacing.

We had been planning this for a long time, and now it was finally time to make them pay for what they had done to Ayaan.

"You should have thought twice before hurting him," I said, my voice low and even.

Abhimann nodded in agreement. "Yes, you should have known better than to cross us."

As we began to torture them, I felt a sense of satisfaction. This was justice for Ayaan, for all the pain and suffering he had endured.

But my satisfaction was short-lived, as I saw Ayaan emerge from the shadows, his eyes fixed on us.

I felt a pang of guilt, wondering if we had gone too far.

But then I saw the nod of approval on his face, and I knew we had done the right thing.

"Thanks, guys," Ayaan said, his voice firm. "I owe you one."

I turned to Abhimann, and saw the same emotions reflected in his eyes.

We had done this for Ayaan, and we would do it again in a heartbeat.

Because we loved him, and we would stop at nothing to keep him safe.

Abhimann and I exchanged a look, and I knew our bond had grown stronger.

We were a team, united in our quest for justice, and nothing could ever break that.

As we walked into our home, I couldn't help but smile at the sight before me. Inayat and Ilya were sitting on the couch, their daughter Ilina giggling and playing with their hair.

Inayat looked up and caught my eye, a soft smile on his face. "Hey, guys. How was your day?"

Ilya nodded in agreement, his eyes never leaving Ilina's face. "Yes, how was your day?"

Ayaan chuckled and shook his head. "It was eventful, to say the least."

Abhimann and I exchanged a look, and I knew we were both thinking the same thing. We had taken care of Ayaan's parents, and now it was time to focus on our own happiness.

Ilina, sensing our presence, turned and squealed with delight. "Uncle Yuvraaj! Uncle Abhimann!"

Inayat and Ilya laughed, and we all gathered around, showering Ilina with love and attention.

As I looked around at my loved ones, I knew that this was what it meant to be happy. This was what it meant to be home.

And I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, as a family.

As I looked back on the memories of Ilya and Inayat's special day, I realized that it was actually Ilina's first milestone that had brought them to this moment. She was just six months old when they got married, and it was as if she had brought them even closer together.

I remembered how Ilya had beamed with pride as he held Ilina in his arms, and Inayat had whispered sweet nothings to her tiny ears. They had been meant to be a family, and now they finally were.

Ayaan nudged me, bringing me back to the present. "Hey, you okay? Lost in thought?"

I smiled, feeling a warmth in my heart. "Just remembering Ilya and Inayat's wedding day. It feels like just yesterday that Ilina was born, and now look at her - growing up and bringing so much joy to our lives."

Ayaan's eyes softened. "Time flies, doesn't it? But we're exactly where we're meant to be."

I nodded, knowing he was right. We had found our own little slice of heaven, and nothing could ever take that away from us.
As we stood in our room, wrapped in each other's arms, I couldn't help but feel a rush of desire. I hugged Ayaan from behind, pulling him close as our lips met in a lustful kiss.

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