10.Ayaan house

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That night, I stayed with Inayat, holding her close as she cried out all her tears. We lay together on her bed, our hearts heavy with emotion, our minds reeling with thoughts of the past and the future.

As we held each other, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. It was the first time in a long time that I felt like I was home, like I was where I was meant to be.

Inayat's tears eventually subsided, and she fell asleep in my arms. I watched over her, my eyes scanning her face, my heart filled with love and gratitude.

I knew that I had made the right decision. I would leave tomorrow, start a new life, and make sure that Inayat and our child were safe from Yuvraaj's grasp.

As I drifted off to sleep, I knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, one that would be filled with love, hope, and a bright future.

I woke up with a start, my heart racing as I saw Yuvraaj standing over me, his eyes fixed on me with an unnerving intensity. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I sat up, my mind foggy with sleep.

"What are you doing here, Yuvraaj?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Yuvraaj's gaze didn't waver. "I came to see you, Ayaan. You begged me to leave my house, but you are still here? Change of plans."

My heart sank as I realized he must have known about my plans. I felt a surge of fear, but I tried to keep my composure.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied, trying to sound convincing.

Yuvraaj's smile was cold and calculating. "Don't play dumb, Ayaan."

"Inayat asked me to stay here for a night, that's why I am here."

He hummed and turned around to leave the room.


"Bye, ayaan. Please take care. And make sure to come and meet our child."

Our child, it feels wierd but still the feeling is good.
That child might not be mine, but I wants to love it.
In these past days I have grown a connection with that featus.

"Okay, you too take care."

I looked at the Singhania mansion and found yuvraaj staring at me from his large french window.
But when he saw her just looked away.

I slides into the car yuvraaj assigned me.
Truthfully I don't want to go back to that hell.
I don't know who wrote my destiny but I am pretty sure he must have some issues with me.

Maybe that's why nothing goes right with me.
It's always trouble and mistakes.

I knew the ride was going to be a long one.


I opened the door to my house, my heart still racing from the encounter with Yuvraaj. But as I stepped inside, I was met with a familiar venomous tone.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. The bastard son returns," my stepmother, Nalini, sneered from the couch, her eyes dripping with malice.

I felt a familiar knot form in my stomach as I gazed at her, my mind flashing back to all the times she had belittled and humiliated me.

Memories flooded my mind as I gazed at Nalini, her words piercing my soul like a dagger. I remembered the night she got drunk, her eyes blazing with a madness that terrified me. She had lunged at me, her fists flying, her screams echoing in my mind.

"You look just like her!" she had spat, her breath reeking of alcohol. "You're a constant reminder of her, of what she took from me!"

I had cowered in fear, my small body trembling as she rained blows upon me. I thought she would kill me that night, that she would beat the life out of me.

But somehow, I had managed to escape, to flee from her wrath and hide in the darkness, my heart pounding in terror.

And now, as I stood before her, I realized that nothing had changed. She still hated me, still resented me for existing.

But I was no longer that scared little boy. I was a man now, and I would not let her hurt me again.

"And now, you've gone and gotten a mafia's sister pregnant!" she sneered, her voice carrying across the room. "You're a disgrace, Ayaan! A complete and utter disgrace!"

My brother, Vikram, stood up from the couch, his eyes flashing with anger. "That's enough, Mom," he growled. "You should not talk to him like that. It's not his fault."

But Nalini was undeterred. "Oh, I'll speak the truth, no matter how much you try to silence me," she spat. "Ayaan is a failure, a bastard who can't even take care of himself, let alone a child!"

The words still stung, still pierced my soul like a dagger. Nalini's words continued to spew forth like venom, each one aimed directly at my heart. "You're just like your mother, Ayaan. Weak, pathetic, and useless. You'll never amount to anything, just like her."

And then, the final blow: "Like mother, like son."

My heart shattered into pieces, the pain crippling me. I felt like I was drowning, suffocating under the weight of her words.

My vision blurred, and I stumbled backwards, the damage was done. The words had struck their mark, and I felt like I was bleeding internally. I knew I had to get out of there, to escape the toxic environment that was suffocating me.
~ to be continued

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