Chapter 5 "USJ"

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Kendai's POV

'Where the hell is that boy!?' After 2 years of feeding him he starts rummaging through all of my stuff!?

I kept looking around for the little brat. He wasn't in his room this morning when I checked to wake him up for training. .

"There's only one place he where he could be. But that place has an impenetrable lock code on it, there's no possible way he could- Oh shit"

Kendai: Kid what the hell are you doing here!?!?

I said as I walked towards the small child. No older than 8 and around the height of me knee down. He didn't listen. Instead he kept wandering around looking at everything in the room, full of my old gadgets, technology and inventions

How'd he even break that code in the first place...

Kendai: How did you....get in here?

(Y/N): Your passcode is too obvious. 11-1-9-14-1....

I was shocked. This kid's been observing me open my phone!! And he used the password that was meant for my phone here. I tend to reuse my passwords since it makes everything so damn easy

He kept looking around my stuff and I just let him. I was too shocked about what he just did and somewhat proud. He really didn't touch my stuff atleast.

His eyes then grew shocked from a specific one of my creations. I checked to see what it was and it was the armor I had created to beat the shit out of Endeavour. That asshole

I didn't think that he'd ever go rogue nor do I think the bastard will. But I just made that suit to have a reason to beat the shit out of him just in case. It was obviously gold coloured, and looked heavy but I sure as hell can move around in it easily.

Kendai: C'mon kid. Time to train. MOVE IT!

I yelled the last part out loud to make sure he heard me while I went to go to our usual training grounds.


That's so cool....

Kendai: KID!!

(Y/N): Coming!!


Shoko: (Y/N)......(Y/N) wake up.

(Y/N): oh! Yo Cher, what's up?

I said before I yawned. I didn't really pay attention to what Aizawa said, instead I opted for a quick nap. But when I looked around the rest of the class they were excited.

And the silver cases that carried the costumes were now ejected from the wall. Shit I must've missed quite alot.

(Y/N): What's up? What're we doing today?

Shoko: We're gonna do Rescue training. Aizawa never specified where though. He said we were going there on a bus and that we were gonna be having 3 instructors.

(Y/N): Dang . Thanks for the recap Cher, much appreciated

I winked at her as I went to go get my hero costume from one of the silver cases. Thought I'd leave it there just in case we were having another training exercise and what not.

But I did leave some stuff in the locker room like my leg extensions and gauntlets that wouldn't fit in the silver case


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