Chapter 2: Friends

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Dragging myself into the bathroom, I avoided my reflection in the mirror as I turned on the faucet. Water splashed over my face, cold and jarring. It was a refreshment a habit to prepare for a day I waited to be over.

Today is the first day of the second semester at our university. As a sophomore studying architecture, I couldn't help but think about why I chose this path. It wasn't just about my own interests in arts, it was a connection to my father's dreams.

My father had once wanted to be an architect, but he followed his father's wishes and joined the military instead. I still remember his advice "Jungwon, don't be so push about your future, just go with the flow, follow the rhythm and choose the right path, son"

How I miss my father, he always gave me advice and showered me with attention. Suddenly, I felt a sour taste in my mouth, I didn't even realize that I was crying. I felt a lump in my throat and tears welling up, missing him more than ever. His absence left a big void that I carried with me, especially on days like today.

"Have you eaten breakfast?" Haewon asked as I settled into the driver's seat. I nonchalantly shook my head, indicating 'no'. Without hesitation, she quickly tossed me a bag. I peered inside to find a sandwich.

"Eat it, hyung. You look like you could pass out anytime," she urged, her concern evident in her voice.

My sister and I didn't grow up in an affectionate household. We often fought, but we always reconciled quickly because we deeply cared for each other. I couldn't even say the word 'love' without feeling uneasy, it stirred up too many complicated emotions.

But right now, Haewon was all I had. I needed to be strong for her, especially since our mother seemed constantly absent, enjoying her newfound freedom after our father's death. How much I resented her for that.

Does she not know she has a son and daughter? 

Does she even know she's a mother? These questions lingered bitterly in my mind, unanswered and unresolved.

As I started the car and we silently drove towards our university, I reflected on our financial situation. We weren't wealthy, but there was enough money left by our father for my sister and me to complete our degrees.

Speaking of money, Haewon mentioned that Mom had been sending us money and wanted to bridge the gap between us. I told her that she could meet with Mom, but advised her not to accept any money from her.

Haewon and Mom frequently met up, and Haewon often invited me to join them, but I always declined. She didn't know about Mom's affair, and I had no intention of telling her. I didn't want her to carry the burden of hatred and pain like I did.

Mom's betrayal of our father had left me broken and bitter. I resented her deeply for what she had done, but I couldn't bring myself to confront her or disclose the truth to Haewon. Keeping this secret was my way of protecting my sister from the same anguish that plagued me daily

Someone yanked my earphone suddenly, causing it to fall out of my ear. Startled, I quickly turned around to see who had done it,

"Jungwon!!, my god, I missed you so much" Sunoo said cheerfully, wrapping me in a hug from behind.

"Can you back off, Sunoo" I muttered, shrugging his embrace away.

"Wow, still grumpy as ever," he teased, but his smile faltered slightly.

"Anyways, I have some tea to spill to you," he continued eagerly as he sat down in front of me. We are at the library, where I was trying to kill some time before my next class in 30 minutes, buried in my own thoughts.

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