Chapter 19: alone

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As I sat alone in my room, the weight of the confrontation with my mother pressed down on me like a suffocating blanket. Anger, betrayal, and heartache swirled in my mind, leaving me feeling trapped and small. I couldn't shake off the bitter taste of everything that had been said, the painful truths that had finally come to light.

With a heavy sigh, I decided I needed to get out, to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the house. The Han River, with its quiet and peaceful waters, called to me. It had always been a place of comfort, where I could find some peace.

As I made my way there, the city buzzed around me, oblivious to the emotions within. Each step felt like a release, a step away from the suffocating confines of my room and the painful confrontation with my mother.

Standing by the bridge, I let my thoughts drift, watching the ripples dance on the surface of the water. The river flowed steadily, unaffected by the storms raging within me. Its calmness was opposite to the tumultuous emotions I was grappling with.

I thought about my father, about the family we used to be before everything fell apart. The memories were bittersweet, tinged with regret and longing for what once was. My mother's words echoed in my mind, her tear stained face haunting me.

Did I overreact? Should I have given her a chance to explain, to redeem herself? The questions covered at me, but deep down, I knew the wounds were too fresh, too deep to heal so easily.

The Angry Bird keychain I still clutched in my hand reminded me of the anger I couldn't let go of. It was a symbol of my frustration, a tangible reminder of the turmoil I carried within.

I cried silently, the tears merging with the river's whispers, lost in a world where words felt not enough and emotions ran deep. In that moment, under the watchful horizons of the city lights, I allowed myself to grieve. To mourn not only my father's death but the loss of the family we once were, and the shattered illusions of what could have been.

The Han River became my sanctuary, a place where comfort is. And as I sat there, tears falling like waterfalls, I knew that healing would take time, that scars would remain, but that somehow, in the middle of pain, I would find a way to carry on.

A sudden honk shattered the quiet of the bridge, pulling me from my thoughts. I turned, squinting through my tears at the figure on a motorcycle. At first, I couldn't make out who it was, but when the rider lifted his helmet, my heart sank. It was Jay.

Panic surged through me as I quickly wiped away my tears, trying to compose myself.

Jay seemed taken aback, his usual cocky appearance changed as he saw my tear streaked face. "Jungwon, are you... are you crying?"

I turned my back from him, looking back at the city, hoping the city lights would provide some distraction,

"I-It's nothing. J-Just leave me alone." my voice betrayed me when I spoke, still thick with emotion

I felt Jay parked his motorcycle and walked over, his footsteps crunching softly on the gravel. I could feel his presence behind me, a mixture of concern and confusion radiating from him. The last thing I wanted was another confrontation with him, not now.

Before I could move away, Jay grabbed the back of my collar, pulling me to a stop.

"Jungwon, are you crying?" he asked again, this time more serious, his voice softer.

I shrugged off his grip, anger flaring up alongside my sadness. "I said leave me alone, Jay. I don't want to talk."

But he didn't back off. "What happened?" he pressed, his tone uncommon gentle.

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