Chapter 20: plushie

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With the fair day approaching, my annoyance at Jay only grew. After the incident last night where he took me home, That bastard acted like he didn't met me that night and went back to his usual self, so I did the same. I acted like it never happened.

He was relentless in his attempts to push me to my limits. I went to school earlier than usual to avoid Jay. I even saw the guard just opening the school gate. However, Jay had already arrived and snatched the parking spot I had been looking forward to, smirking as I drove by in frustration. At the booth, Jay piled on tasks, always finding something more for me to do. When we bickered, he never missed a chance to call me a "whiny little lamb." Each encounter left me fuming, but I found a small measure of relief and satisfaction in aggressively punching the Angry Bird keychain.

At home, things were no better. After the confrontation with my mom, I stopped talking to her altogether. Despite the silence between us, she was persistent in her attempts to make everything the same again. Every morning, she packed lunch for me, leaving it on the kitchen counter with a hopeful note. I never accepted it. She started cooking extra meals and cleaned the house more thoroughly than ever before, trying to show her care through actions since words had failed her. But I ignored it all, my resentment too deep to be swayed by her efforts.

Today, the booth was busy with preparations. I was helping set up, and Sunghoon was there, monitoring our progress. For once, Jay seemed to be leaving me alone, perhaps because Sunghoon was here. I couldn't help but think that Jay was just waiting for the opportunity to start trouble again.

After a while, Sunghoon approached me. "I need to check on something else. Will you be okay here?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'll manage. Don't worry about it."

Sunghoon smiled and gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder before heading off. As he walked away, I couldn't help but glance at Jay. The moment Sunghoon's back was turned, Jay's devilish smile reappeared.

"What are you grinning about?" I snapped.

"Oh, just thinking about how cute you look when you're all worked up," he taunted, his smile widening.

"Shut up, Angry bird. I've had enough of your crap," I shot back, feeling my temper rising.

"Aw, is the whiny little lamb gonna cry again?" he mocked, leaning closer. "You know, if you can't handle the heat, maybe you should just quit."

My fists clenched. I knew better than to rise to his bait, but it was hard not to react. The anger and frustration boiled over, and I couldn't take it anymore. Without a word, I grabbed my bag and stormed off, leaving him behind. I made my way to the bleachers, needing a moment to cool down.

Once there, I aggressively dug through my bag and pulled out the Angry Bird keychain. I punched it repeatedly, each hit a release of the pent up frustration from dealing with that bastard. As I continued to pummel the stuffed toy, I didn't realize someone was approaching until a shadow fell over me

"Is that me?" Jay's voice cut through the air, dripping with sarcasm.

I looked up, startled, and saw him standing there, smirking. Before I could react, he snatched the plushie from my hands and began scanning it closely.

"Give that back!" I demanded, standing up and reaching for the toy.

He held it out of reach, still grinning. "You really carry this around just to punch it whenever I piss you off? How cute."

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