Chapter 13: Planning

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I sat in the school cafeteria, my thoughts weighed down by the argument with Haewon last night. Sunoo slid into the seat across from me, his usual cheerful demeanor slightly muted.

"Hey, Won," he greeted, his voice gentle but observant. "You seem a bit off today. Everything okay?"

I nodded slightly, not quite ready to delve into the details. "Yeah, just... dealing with some stuff."

He studied me for a moment, then changed the subject, trying to lighten the mood. "By the way, where's Jake today? Haven't seen him around."

I glanced around the cafeteria, realizing for the first time that Jake wasn't with us. "I'm not sure. He mentioned something about meeting with Heeseung earlier."

he raised an eyebrow playfully. "Ah, the lovebirds are probably having one of their romantic schemes again."

I managed a small smile at Sunoo's attempt to lighten the atmosphere, but my mind kept drifting back to the unresolved tension with Haewon.

As Sunoo continued chatting animatedly about various topics, I found it increasingly difficult to engage. Guilt nagged at me for shutting him out, but I couldn't bring myself to talk about what was bothering me. The fear of vulnerability and the need to protect myself from further hurt kept my defenses up.

Just then, my phone buzzed with a message from Sunghoon. I glanced down to read it.

Sunghoon: Meeting for the school fair planning starting soon. Are you coming?"

I hesitated, debating whether to respond immediately or not. Sunoo noticed my distraction and leaned in curiously. "Who's texting you?"

I sighed, knowing I couldn't keep Sunghoon waiting. "It's Sunghoon. He's reminding me about the school fair planning meeting."

his eyes lit up with interest. "Oh, that's right! You're volunteering for that. You should go, it might be a good distraction."

"Yeah, you're probably right," I replied, forcing a small smile.

He nodded encouragingly. "Go on, then. I'll catch up with you later."

With a nod of thanks, I excused myself from the table and headed off to join Sunghoon at the meeting, hoping that the distraction of planning for the school fair would help ease the weight on my mind.

As I entered the room designated for the school fair meeting, I immediately spotted a familiar Jay among the group of coordinators. His presence ignited a mix of irritation and wariness within me, with his typically stoic looks, glanced my way, his expression unreadable. I nodded snappily in acknowledgment, taking a seat opposite him.

Sunghoon greeted me with a subtle smile, sensing the tension but choosing not to address it directly. "Glad you could make it, Won," he said quietly as the meeting commenced.

I focused on the details of the fair that Sunghoon and the other coordinators were discussing, trying to push aside the unresolved emotions swirling within me. Jay's occasional glances in my direction didn't go unnoticed, each one adding to my discomfort.

"Jungwon," Sunghoon's voice broke through my thoughts, drawing my attention back to the discussion.

"We'll need volunteers for the game booths. Could you handle coordinating that?"

I nodded, grateful for the task that would keep me occupied. "Sure, I'll take care of it."

Jay's gaze lingered on me for a moment longer before he turned his attention back to the planning board. His glance felt like a challenge, reminding me of our ongoing grudges. Despite the distractions of organizing the volunteers, I couldn't shake the underlying tension between us.

As the meeting progressed, I threw myself into the planning, determined to focus on the practicalities rather than the personal conflicts that haunted me.

By the end of the meeting, despite the lingering discomfort with the bastard, I felt a sense of accomplishment in contributing to the fair preparations. As we went their separate ways, Sunghoon caught up with me, his expression thoughtful.

"Are you alright, Jungwon?" he asked softly, concern evident in his eyes.

I managed a faint smile. "Yeah, I'm fine"

He nodded understandingly, but his eyes didn't lose their concern. "Hey, I was thinking... how about grabbing dinner together? It might help take your mind off things."

"Thanks for the offer, but maybe next time?"

Sunghoon's expression softened, and he gave a small, understanding nod. "Of course, just let me know."

"Thanks, Sunghoon. I appreciate it." With a nod of farewell, we parted ways.

As I walked back to the university cafeteria, my mind still buzzed with the events of the day. I spotted Jake and Sunoo seated at our usual table, engaged in a lively conversation. Jake's easy going demeanor and Sunoo's playful energy were a comforting sight.

Sliding into the seat next to them, I caught the tail end of their discussion.

", I'm thinking we could rent a beach house for the weekend," Jake was saying, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

Sunoo nodded enthusiastically, his smile bright. "That sounds perfect! We could go next month, after finals. It'll be a great way to unwind."

I couldn't help but feel a pang of longing at the idea. The thought of escaping to the beach, away from all the stress and tension, was incredibly appealing. "Beach trip?" I asked, trying to keep my tone casual.

Jake turned to me with a grin. "Yeah, we were just planning it. You should come, Won. It'll be fun."

Sunoo chimed in, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Yeah, you could use a break, and we could all use some time to relax and just enjoy ourselves."

I hesitated, the idea tempting but also daunting. The thought of spending time with my friends, away from the pressures of daily life, was appealing. But I also knew that my unresolved issues might make it hard to fully relax. "I'll think about it," I replied, managing a small smile.

Jake gave me a reassuring pat on the back. "No pressure, but we'd love to have you with us."

Sunoo nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. It'll be a blast, and we could all use some time away."

As the conversation continued, curiosity got the better of me. "So, who else is coming on this beach trip?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

Jake glanced at Sunoo before replying. "Well, we were thinking of inviting everyone. You know, the whole group. Heeseung, Niki, Sunghoon... and Jay."

At the mention of Jay, my stomach tightened. The idea of spending an entire weekend with him was far from appealing. The tension between us was still palpable, and I wasn't sure if I could handle it.

Jake, ever perceptive, noticed my hesitation. "Won, it'll be fine. Jay's not that bad once you get to know him. And besides, we'll all be there. It'll be fun."

I forced a smile, trying to push past my reluctance. "Yeah, maybe. I'll think about it."

He nodded, sensing my discomfort but choosing not to press the issue. "No worries, take your time. We just want everyone to have a good time."

Sunoo leaned in, his voice softer. "You know, sometimes it's good to face things head on. It might help clear the air."

I appreciated his attempt to encourage me, but the thought of confronting Jay still made me uneasy. "I'll keep that in mind," 

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