40 - First Date (1)

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"How do I look?" Jungkook poked his head out of the bathroom while arranging his bangs to fall smoothly on his forehead.

"Good." Jackson commented with a deadpan look. He had said this for... how many times again? He could no longer count.

Jungkook had no idea whether to laugh or cry. "Jack, you are not even looking at me!" He finally stepped out of the bathroom and straightened up his loose-collared sweater. He had chosen his lucky color today — blue. He already had a great physique to begin with. With his broad shoulders, lean waist and long legs, all kinds of clothing would look good on him.

Yet he still could not be rest assured and kept thinking that something was off. He finally stood between Jackson and his favorite TV drama and gave a twirl. "So, how do I look?"

Veins throbbed on Jackson's forehead and he squeezed the tomato cushion in his arms so hard that the original cute smiling cartoon face became a twisted crying look. Jungkook grimaced. For some reason, he felt like if he kept asking, it would be his turn to be squeezed into a paste...

"Last time," he pleaded pitifully. "One last time, okay? Jack, you have to help your good brother on his first date!"

"First date, your ass!" Jackson finally snapped and hurled the cushion right at Jungkook's face, forcing the latter to twist his powerful body to avoid it. "I've told you countless times that you only need to show up like how you usually do for that omega to fall under your feet, and you don't fucking believe me! You two have even gone to bed together, so why the fuck are you still fretting over your first date?!

Jungkook let out a gasp, disbelieving. "How can you talk about Jimin like that?! And... And we haven't gone to bed together, okay?!" Warmth crept up his neck when he stuttered out. "Jimin is just too kind to let me sleep on the floor, so he dragged his blankets and pillows down for me!"

Jackson made an exaggerated roll of his eyeballs. "Yeah, yeah..."

His tone was as if saying, 'Keep talking. Let me see what kind of excuse you're going to make.'

At that moment, Jungkook deeply regretted ever telling this little event to Jackson. However, he could not help it. He wanted to ask some advice about Jimin's nesting behavior to confirm if it was normal or not, and he had no choice but to confide in Jackson, the person he trusted so much.

Jungkook shot his doctor a glare before he suddenly deflated like a balloon, sighing. "Do you think I am acting ridiculous? I am already this old... yet I am still worrying about my first date..."

Jackson pinched his brows and heaved a long-suffering sigh. "Let me say it once again. That little omega is head over heels for you. Head over heels! Do you understand?!"

Jungkook was flabbergasted by his best friend's sudden outburst. "W-What are you trying to say?"

Jackson threw his hands up in the air and groaned. "It means that you can just fuck him on your first date and bam — do the thing you Alphas like to do!"

"Jackson!" Jungkook hissed, unable to believe how crude he was. Indeed, he had been fantasizing... quite a lot... about doing this and that with Jimin, especially after their last passionate session on the couch. But not today! Definitely not on their first date! It would make him look so uncultured and lustful!

It was really a wrong decision for Jungkook to ask Jackson for advice. For starters, Jungkook had known the beta for seven long years, yet he had never heard him being interested in another person as everyone would either cower under his glare or be scared to tears by his aura before he could even open his mouth. He did not even know what type of person Jackson liked, male or female, Alpha or Beta or Omega...

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now