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Two weeks later at the Wu's mansion. A soft knock in the door was heard followed by Mrs. Fang's voice "Mr. Wu?" "Come in Mrs. Fang" he replied and standing up from his chair. 

"They had arrived Sir" the woman informed, she smiled widely. Mr. Wu thanked her and walked to the entrance of his mansion, closely followed by his loyal house keeper. She was happy to see her young master returned home. Mr. Wu's smiled with relief. His dearest son had come home. The chauffer of the SUV opened the door and Tao helped Kris to step out of the car.

He approached him "Welcome home son" Kris smiled to his father and hugged him tightly, Mr. Wu returned the hug gladly. "I'm back" he replied with a gleam in his eyes. All the Wu Family was there to welcome him.

"Gege! I've missed you so much!" Lily ran into his arms, hugging his waist and crying into his chest. 

"I'm fine Lily, don't cry..." he whispered then kissed the top of her head, after calming her down, Tao shared the news of his pregnancy with her. The little girl jumped in excitement, told them she would be the best auntie in the world. The Parks approached their best friends. Tao and Baekhyun hugged while Chanyeol shed a few tears coughed away and hid behind his hand before pulling his longtime friend into a hug too. 

Other employees who were closest to the family were there to welcome Kris and wished him a full recovery. Anton was there too, to welcome him but also to say goodbye. The lone figure watched the happiness and love surrounding Tao and Kris. He knew it was time to accept the reality; there was nothing he could do to make the younger loved him. 

After thanking the Wu's for the opportunity to work with them, he approached Tao. 

"Zitao, I wish you a happy life, you deserve it" 

"Thank you Anton" the black hair boy told him shaking his hand in a sincere gesture. The tanned man smiled and nodded, turning around and walking to the taxi that would take him to the airport and back to his homeland. Kris went to Mrs. Fang and hugged her. The old woman had a place inside his heart as she practically raised him with the love of a mother. 

"Young Master, my prayers were answered" she said muffling her sobs. 

"Thank you for everything Mrs. Fang... for all these years of taking care of me and my family" the kind words from Kris calmed her tears.

A few nights after... Kris and Tao were having a dinner at the Park's house. They wanted to surprise the couple, asking them to be the godparents of their unborn child. Of course Baekhyun and Chanyeol happily accepted it with the condition that they also became godparents of their "little cupcake".

"We will love too, but we are going to get married first, Chanyeol you're my best man" Kris told his friend with a fist bump. 

"And Baekhyun-gege you are my maid of honor, I guess" Tao said, took the petite blond's hand. "Of course Panda!!!" he beamed "when will the wedding be held?" 

"In two months before Tao hits the 5 month" Kris said giving a loving kiss to his husband's cheek. "Oh my God! We have so much to do Tao Tao!" the older exclaimed.

"I know, but we can do it Baekhyun-gege!" "No doubt, starting tomorrow we are going to organize the wedding of the year" Baekhyun said ending with a "fighting" which was equally returned by Tao. Kris and Chanyeol turned to give each other an amused look while their love ones talking non-stop about the wedding. 

The blond took a moment to watch the sweet interaction between his husband and his dear friend. Kris knew that he was living a wonderful moment after all they went through, there was no doubt that Chanyeol and Baekhyun were mean to be, destined to one another despite the circumstances around them. Their love was so strong. Baekhyun had a glow surrounding his face and clearly showing everyone how blissful and healthy he is.

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