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EVERYONE WAS  helping fix the church into a better place, there was another boy who joined them. His name was Noah.

Everyone was sprouting out a bit.

Emmie stood there. "Rick.." she called out in a soft tone before approaching him.

Rick turned his attention towards Emmie. "Yeah?" He said in a confused tone.

"I want to go." She bluntly told him.


"Why not?" She questioned in a harsh tone.

"Because it's too dangerous for you. You have to stay here with the others." Rick reasoned with her.

"I'll be fine I just want too-"

"Emmie, don't try to argue. Just don't go." Carl defended.

Emmie  glanced at him, she glared at him, not wanting him to get involved. "Shut it Carl." She hissed.

Carl slightly rolled his eyes and he took a huff out of annoyance.

"We'll be back. Alright?" Rick said with an assuring tone as he rested his hand onto lorelei's shoulder.

She was hesitant at first but slightly nodded in agreement.

Rick then stepped out of the church, michonne and Carl closed the door shut.

Judith started crying, Michonne tried to calm her down but it didn't work.

Michonne placed her back in her basket as they began barricading the door.

Judith continued to cry.

Ethan hesitantly walked towards her basket and he picked Judith up, he tried to calm her down by rocking her and shushing her.

Emmie watched Ethan do it, she glanced down at her lap.

Her mind drifted off to Beth, she was a bit anxious. What Happened to her?

She suddenly stood up and walked out of the church, she stepped into a different room and she shut the door and locked it.

Her legs began to grow weak as she fell to the ground, she hugged her knee like they were a teddy bear and she zoned out.

She was zoned out, staring down at the wall of the room she was in.


I'm sorry for the short chapter😞

𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔. • 【𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒍, 𝒈𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔.】Where stories live. Discover now