Chapter 13: A Foreboding Welcome

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The next thing I knew, I was following Nono and Juvan to the school gymnasium dedicated to senior high school students of the Academy. It was indicated on the welcome packet that I received from Ms. Kitazawa that I needed to attend the opening ceremony first thing on the morning of my first day at school. The place was filled with students around the same age as mine. I felt so intimidated looking around at all the students who were busily chatting with their classmates and friends, catching up from their summer breaks. They all look like average teenagers but exude a vibrant aura, illuminated by their superior intellect, wealthy upbringing, or extraordinary talents and abilities.

"Maki, let's line up here."

My contemplation was interrupted when I heard Nono's voice. He asked me to come over so we could stand in line with other students. We found a good spot, and I ended up standing with a group of 11th-grade male students, followed by Nono, and Juvan right after him.

The students were divided into 4 blocks, separated by year level and gender. Each block consists of a couple of lines of students belonging to that specific group. The faculty team was positioned adjacent to the first and fourth blocks, separated by gender. Everybody was facing the gymnasium stage adorned with welcoming decorations, a couple of chairs in front, and a speaker's podium on the left side.

Suddenly, I felt someone tugging the back of my shirt. I turned my head and saw Nono with a big, goofy smile.

"What is it?" I murmured, trying to avoid bringing any kind of attention toward us.

"Look at your right side." He playfully whispered, his hand covering the side of his lips.

Still wondering what he meant, I moved my gaze to my right side and saw Ali standing parallel to me. Before I could turn away and avoid her sight, she suddenly looked in my direction and instantly flashed a sweet smile, waiving her right hand in a warm gesture. I smiled back and waved back at her. I heard some murmuring sounds in the background coming from other students, but I decided to ignore them. Next to her was Shina, giving me the coldest stare, making it clear that she didn't like me.

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Suddenly, a voice emanated from the podium, resonating throughout the gymnasium, demanding everyone's attention. The place fell silent, anticipating the start of the welcoming program. Now, sitting in one of the chairs in front of the stage, together with other school officials, was Ms. Kitazawa. Confidently seated next to her was the man I have spent a lot of time researching on the internet, trying to get more information about, the Chairman of Maharlika Academy, Marcus Antoine Roswald. He was an authoritative-looking man with a perfectly chiseled face, gorgeous dark eyes, and a masculine physique. He exudes elegance in his impeccably tailored red suit, a perfect match for his fair complexion and sleek hair with a shade of vibrant blue. Based on what I read about him, he is just in his early thirties but was chosen as the Chairman due to his stellar education and incomparable experience in the field of academics. However, some people online have also alluded that he got the position due to his direct association with the Advisors.

After a couple of speeches, a welcome video, and some presentations, they called the top student of the 11th grade to the front of the stage. I was taken aback when a familiar figure came up to the stage and delivered a welcome message representing my year level. It was the same guy who gave me harsh advice about minding my own business — the guy with the stern gaze at the academy bus from earlier, Yuan Ainsley Wong.

"As we start our journey as senior high school students, I wish everyone a fun and collaborative experience," Yuan said assertively. "May we all achieve our goals and continue striving to become the best versions of ourselves. Lastly, best of luck," he paused, and though I knew it was intended to be a speech for everyone, I couldn't help but feel that he was looking my way, singling me out with the same message he said to me before he left the bus earlier. "We all need that. Thank you, and have a great day, everyone."

After Yuan's speech, a resounding echo filled the room as hands clapped together, enveloping the space with enthusiastic applause. After a few more speeches, the time to end the opening ceremony has finally come. To conclude the program, the Chairman of the Academy was called to deliver his speech. The Chairman has a very charming quality, mixing his resolute persona with some funny undertones. I couldn't fault him for anything, and aside from being extremely successful, he looked like a regular guy. But I knew that deep inside his ordinary exterior was someone who held a lot of secrets about this Academy. I knew that if I wanted to find my brother, I needed to get access to that information. The Academy has a lot to do with my brother's shift as a person, and they might also know about his disappearance. I needed to confirm the Chairman's possible involvement with my brother and the obscure reason I was invited to attend this school to begin with.

"To all continuing students, I welcome you back and wish you another amazing year in this great institution. And to all new students, I gladly welcome you to Maharlika Academy. May you all enjoy your stay here, and may you all find what your heart deeply desires." The Chairman's voice echoed in the room as he said his last words. It was met with a rousing ovation, resonating throughout the room with thunderous applause and cheers of approval from the audience. After the host officially concluded the program, the students dispersed and made their way to their respective classrooms.

I saw Ali slowly walking away from the gymnasium with Shina and a couple of other girls. As her figure dissolved into the crowd of students, I quietly wished to see her again soon.

"Maki, let's go check out the bulletin board," Nono said. "Let's find out what our class assignments are."

I badly wanted to go with them, but I needed to do something very important first. I regretfully replied, "I'm sorry, but I must be elsewhere. I'll check out my class assignment later."

"That's too bad. I think I'm missing you already." Nono said jokingly.

"Don't worry about it, Nono. You'll have more time to spend with Maki next time," Juvan said teasingly while giving me a gentle pat on my shoulder. "We support your obsession with him." That made us burst out laughing, and then we said our goodbyes.

"I'll see you around, guys. Take care!" I bid my goodbye and walked away from them.

I felt so glad to find friends on my first day of school, but I need not lose sight of what I came here for. With my head held high and my heart brimming with anticipation, I briskly strode out of the gymnasium, gearing up for an encounter I had eagerly awaited.

Next Chapter: The School for Noble Warriors

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