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They woke up again in a messy tangle of bed covers and limbs. Yet, his arms were still around Cora's body, holding her close, as if he was afraid she might disappear at any moment.

Caressing the skin along her arm, he breathed in the scent of her hair, her body... The intoxicating scent of her.

She enjoyed a tingling sensation of his delicate touch, but then she spoke softly. 'Would you have really taken me back?'

He sighed. 'It was my fault you were stranded in the Underworld.' His voice was soft, pensive. 'At that moment, I thought it was the right thing to do. The Oracle said we would have to make sacrifices and I was prepared to sacrifice my feelings for you... Even if it killed me,' he added after a pause.

'But why?' She turned to face him.

'Because I would do anything to make you happy.' Coming from him, it sounded as the most natural thing in the world. 'I have never felt like that before... It's so unexpected and wonderful, and all-encompassing, all at the same time... For me, it's not just a fling,' he added with solemnity.

'And you think, for me, it is?' Her brows knitted in surprise.

'Well, there was once some talk of a rebound.' His smile was sheepish, when he looked at her, as if he was not entirely sure of her feelings and was trying to tease a confession.

But she honed onto something else instead. 'This is not the first time I've noticed you used an earthly phrase. Something you supposed to have no knowledge of. The whole time, were you just pretending not to understand me?' She was indignant.

His lips curved in an adorable smile. 'If you lived as long as I have, there's no way to avoid picking up a thing or two.' He was totally unapologetic. 'It was so much fun listening to your explanations. And you know I don't have much fun down here.'

She pretended to be offended but couldn't keep it up. 'How long have you actually been living here?' She picked up his hand and started playing with his fingers.

'Eons,' he sighed.

'I can't even imagine that. Our life is just a blink of an eye for you.'

'I might be eternal.' He pulled her closer and nestled her body in his embrace. 'But I still envy you, mortals. Because, even if you know you'll die, or maybe just because of that, you live. You try to squeeze every ounce of meaning from your short existence.'

'As the Judge of all souls, you should know that only a few truly live.' Her tone took on a sad note. 'The rest just waste their chance. Otherwise, the Underworld wouldn't be so loud with misery and regret,' she added, remembering the overwhelming experience of the Great Hall.

'Let us not think about it now.' He nuzzled her neck. 'Let's forget that there is anything beyond these walls. Let it just be you and I... Us...'

So, they did.

And they enjoyed every minute of that.


'We really need to get up.' She stretched luxuriantly and made an effort to untangle herself from the bed covers and his limbs. He resisted, trying to keep her close, but she rose and picked up the same shirt she had been wearing before. 'I have no idea how much time has passed.'

'I don't care.' He shrugged, watching her with pleasure as she buttoned up his shirt and rolled up the sleeves.

'But I do! You have your duties to perform and,' she sat beside him on the edge of the bed, 'as much as I already miss your sweet embrace, I don't want you to get bored of me!' She kissed his ear.

'I will never get tired of you!' he vowed. 'How could I? I don't think I will ever discover all the intricate and delightful mysteries of your character.' She smiled at that, slightly embarrassed. 'We, the gods, are so simple in comparison,' he continued with a hint of self-deprecation. 'We are all self-centred and self-indulgent, only ever concerned with things that directly affect or displease us. But you, humans, are so... complicated.'

'You are not self-centred,' she protested.

'Thank you for saying that, but currently my only worry is that you discover how misguided your faith in me is and decide to leave. If that's not self-centred, then what is?'

'Well, I don't want you to abandon me either. That's self-preservation...'

Some kind of disturbance outside their door stopped her mid-sentence. There were raised voices and, eventually, loud banging on the door.

'Hades!... Cora!... What's going on?' They both recognised Hermes' voice. 'Are you in there?... Let me pass, you vile minions!'

'Something must have happened.' Hades was up in mere moments, heading for the door.

'Put these on at least.' Cora threw his trousers to him.

Barely dressed, Hades opened the door. 'Hermes. What is the meaning of this?'

'Good heavens,' Hermes sighed with obvious relief. 'Where have you been?!' He made a step into the chamber. 'And where is Cora?' Another step and he noticed the unmade bed and a scantily dressed woman. 'Ah...' A mischievous smile spread across his handsome face.

'What do you want?!' Hades gruffly cut him off, moving slightly to shield Cora with his body.

'There were reports of a fiery comet streaking across the sky and no one has seen you in days. We were worried something must have happened.'

'Like what?' Hades was not amused.

'Like a dark forces rebellion or the end of our world.' Hermes shrugged. 'Things like that tend to rattle the Olympians.'

'So now, that you've reassured yourself none of these things have come to pass, kindly return to your own realm and don't even dare to breathe a word of what you've seen!' growled the Lord of the Underworld.

'No chance in hell!... Excuse the pun.' Hermes grinned. 'We need to talk.'

'Messenger...' Hades' eyes glowed fiery red, but Cora stepped in.

'May we have a few moments to make ourselves presentable?' she spoke, smiling gently. 'You have us at a disadvantage.'

'My Lady.' Hermes bowed chivalrously. 'Your wish is my command.'

'Please, offer Lord Messenger our hospitality,' she spoke to the shadows.

Turning away to leave, Hermes slapped Hades on his back and muttered under his breath. 'Uncle, you're a rascal! Five days!...' He shook his head in amused disbelief and then he was gone, following the shadows, leaving them alone and slightly embarrassed.

'The whole Olympus will know of it before dinner!' growled Hades, still not placated.

'Why does it bother you?' There was a hint of uneasiness in her tone. 'Are you ashamed?'

'No!' He was beside her in seconds. 'Never!' He embraced her. 'I just wanted to have you to myself.'

'I hope you don't have some sick custom of sharing each other's women!' She grimaced with distaste.

'No!' He laughed at that suggestion. 'Never had. And I would never share you!' he assured. 'They will just try to poke their collective nose in our business.'

'As far as I know, no god can enter your realm without your permission?' He just nodded in confirmation. 'And I am not planning to leave the Underworld, so no problem.' This time she shrugged indifferently.

'If I don't throw them a bone, they will just make something up, like they always do!' He was annoyed. 'I'm used to it, but you...'

'Don't worry about me.' She kissed his cheek. 'But now, I need a shower.'

The shadows swirled around them, and Hades tilted his head, as if listening. 'Apparently, anticipating our future needs, the servants have already relocated both our rooms to the adjacent chambers, so all your things are just next door... Thank you all.' Hades turned to the fluid mass.

'I taught you well,' Cora whispered into his ear, and headed for the door to her rooms.

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