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Waking up in her old room at the B&B was such a pleasant change. She had been so sick of staring at the bland walls and of smelling disinfectant at the clinic. So now, she revelled in the luxury of a lie-in in a soft and freshly made bed.

She tried not to think about anything upsetting, as the good Doctor Kostakis had instructed, but that was proving increasingly difficult; she couldn't start planning her future without bringing up her past. At least, what she could remember of it.

Her hand went automatically to the strange coin on her neck; it seemed to always bring her comfort. And suddenly she felt an overwhelming urge to go back to the cliff, to the place where it all started.

Without wasting any time on breakfast, she left the villa and let her feet carry her along a well-trodden path, which split at about half-way; with one leg going up, climbing to the cliff, and the other, twisting down, leading to the cave underneath. She had initially intended to go to the cliff top, but without a conscious thought, she turned left and went down instead.

She was lucky; at that time of year there were very few tourists in the area, and she found herself alone on the narrow pathway. Soon, she was gazing pensively at the mouth of the cave. She could easily imagine people, all those centuries ago, attributing this place to Hades; a few steps in and it certainly felt as if she had left the mortal plain behind and entered someplace ancient and mysterious. It was eerily quiet, and all she could hear was a gentle trickle of water somewhere to her right.

Her hand went again to the coin on her neck. 'Where are you?' she whispered; anguish breaking her voice into a moan. 'I miss you...'

There was a slight shift in the air and a shadow emerged from the total blackness beyond the reach of lights. She gasped in shock and instinctively made a step backwards, nearly tripping on a stone.

She could tell it was a man; dressed all in black and standing so still that his silhouette was barely distinguishable from the darkness behind.

'Please, forgive me,' he spoke, his voice soft and quiet, almost a whisper. 'I did not intend to frighten you.'

She couldn't see his face, but, somehow, she was certain it was the same man who had brought her to the clinic. 'Who are you?' she demanded.

'I am...' His voice caught a little. He inhaled deeply and started again. 'I am someone who cares for you deeply.'

'How did you find me?... Did you follow me here?!' She stepped back again.

'You called to me.'

His response did not make any sense. 'Step into the light!' she commanded.

'Do not be afraid,' he spoke quietly, moving slowly towards her. 'I mean you no harm.' He stopped at a safe distance.

'Who are you?' she repeated, mesmerised by his face and his pale grey eyes. 'I feel... like I know you.'

'You do know me,' he answered, and the sadness in his eyes broke her heart. 'But you have forgotten.'

'So, tell me!'

'It would only cause you pain.'

'Then, why did you come?'

'I told you, you'd called to me...' he sighed heavily. 'A long time ago, I gave you my word I would always answer when you called upon my coin.'

'You gave me this?' she asked, instinctively stepping closer.


'I know you brought me to the clinic, but... did you kidnap me?'

'In a manner of speaking.' His lips twitched.

'Why are you so cryptic?!' In her frustration, she stepped even closer.

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