{Chapter 9}

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Heyyy hope that everyone is doing alright🫶🏻 I'm not gonna talk that much more but

Enjoy xx

Liam's perspective

I'm walking in the hallway. Biology went alright. Although Mrs. Williams is.... Mrs. Williams. She only got about two, what do we call them.... attacks?

I wonder what Louis will think about them. I feel so bad for him, I hope he's alright. He did have to go to music by himself, and I hapen to know that Niall, Zayn and Harry are in that same exact class. I swear if they touch him-

My thoughts are interrupted by sobs. It sounds like they could come from the toilet.

Maybe I should go and check incase someone needs help?

I walk towards the toilets and when I open the door I see something that I didn't expect.

Harry and Louis are standing in the opposite sides of the room from eachother. Louis' eyes are red from crying and I can feel the anger build up in me.

"What the fuck did you to Louis?!"
I shout at Harry and walk over to Louis to hug him.

"I didn't do any-"

"I know you did something you asshole!"
I scream and my hug around Louis tightens.

"H-he d-didn't d-"
Louis tries but I interrupt him.

"You don't have to lie for him Louis"
I say sternly and lead Louis out of the bathroom.

Louis' perspective

Harry hugs me for a couple of minutes more before the door suddenly opens. Harry pushes me away from him. Ouch.

You already knew that was gonna hapen.

That is probably why I also have trust issues, people don't wanna be seen with me.
It ruins their ego and I understand because I'm just a small nerd who nobody knows exists.

My eyes go to the door where to my suprise Liam is standing. He looks furious and like he could hit a hole in the wall if he wanted to.

"What the fuck did you do to Louis?!" He shouts at Harry and walks over to me, hugging me.

"I didn't do any-"
Harry tries to defend himself but is cut by Liam.

"I know you did something you asshole!"
He screams in anger and his arms around me tighten.

"H-he d-didn't d-"
I try to defend Harry. I know he pushed me away but to be honest, what was I gonna expect? That the popular guy was going to care about me? I don't even know what I thought. Well, it was nice while it lasted.

"You don't have to lie for him Louis"
He says sternly before leading me out the door.
Harry is left stunned in the bathroom.

"What hapened?" Liam asks when he has calmed himself down and sat down on a bench.

"N-nothing I promise" I stutter looking down at my hands.

"Are you sure?" Liam asks with a worried look.

"Y-yes don't worry" I answer giving him a reassuring smile.

"I'm sorry" Liam admits and wraps his arms around me.

"I shouldn't have bursted out like that"
He says, and I can tell that he really means it.

"It's okay, I know you meant well" I smile at him and hug him back.

"Just be carefull, okay?" He says looking into my eyes. I nod and smile at him a bit bigger.

"Can I ask you something?" Liam says fidgeting with his fingers. I nod nervoualy.

"Why were you crying?" He asks.

"I just had panikattack, nothing serious" I say looking down at my hands picking on my cuticles, one of the nervous acts I've gotten way too used to.

"I'm so sorry Lou, I wish that I would've been there for you" Liam says sadly.

A wall of guilt starts building up inside of me.
Now he feel's bad for you, attention seeker.
Attention seeker, attention seeker, attention seeker, STOP.

"It's okay don't worry, I got through it and it's absolutely not you'r fault"

"Thanks lad, but next time remember that I'm here for you"

"Yes thank you" I smile and hug him once again.
Liam looks a bit suprised first but not long after he relaxes and hugs me tightly back.

Harry's perspective

What the fuck just hapened.
I stand still shoked over what hapened during these five minutes. But what hurts the most is Louis' look when I pushed him away. I know that was a dick move, but what would people think if they saw me, one of the school's most popular students, hugging a nerd?

The truth was, I'm scared.

I can't deal with the guilt feeling so I walk right out of the toilet and outside to the yard behind the school. I take with my shaky hands rapidly up the cigarettpack from my backpocket. I also take the lighter and swiftly light the cigarett. I'm getting way too used to this dirty move.
This dirty drug.
When I finally get the stick between my lips I feel like I can truly breath again.

"Fuck" I whisper to myself while I silently blow out the smoke.

"Hey" I hear a voice behind me and a hand placing itself on my shoulder.
I turn around and see Zayn standing there.

"You okay lad?" He asks worriedly. I breath out heavily.

"I'm fine" I say avoiding eye contact.

"It's getting bad again, huh?" He says.
God this guy knows me too well.

"Kind of, I've been an asshole"

"You don't have to tell me if you don't feel like it, but remember I'm here for you man, right?" He says placing his other hand on my other shoulder making it harder for me to avoid his eyes.

"Thanks Zayn" I say trying to smile but failing.
Zayn looks at me sadly before hugging me. I tence up a bit before relaxing and hugging him back.

"It felt like you needed it" Zayn says calmly.

"I probably did" I answer trying not to tear up.

Zayn and Niall are the only ones besides my family that knows about my depression and struggles. I'm not verry open in that subject because I don't wanna come of weak. I've learned that the best way to survive without people looking down at you is to not show weakness.


Omg is this the first time Harry is opening up to us about his struggles? Though he might act like he doesnt care about anything or anyone, he is just hurt.

Hope yall liked the chapter and please comment and vote to let me know what you think!

Love, Lina xx

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