{Chapter 4}

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Hellooo I'm on easter holiday which means NO SCHOOL!! So I thought that I'd try to write atleast one chapter maybe even 2 this holiday since I don't have to worry as much about school. HOPE YALL HAVE THE BEST EASTER LOVE YOU LOTSSS💗💗
Enjoy xx

Louis' perspective
(While Harry's perspective in the last chapter)

Liam show's me where our classroom is. I don't know if I would ever get to class if it weren't for him. This school is so fucking big it's crazy. There's so many classrooms, and I'm suppost to remember where to go? That's honestly too much to ask for.

We walk past some lockers with the numbers 30-50 on. When we're past all the lockers in that hallway we come to a door. On the door it says: 231

"This is it then" Liam says before knocking on the door. A couple seconds later the door opens and a tall woman with dark brown, medium long hair appears with a big smile on her face.

"Oh, Liam! And you must be the new student? Come in, come in" She says nicely and steps aside. Liam takes a step in and I follow after him closely.

Oh god I don't want to be here anymore.

The classroom is filled with students. There's probably like 30 in there and it terrifies me. Everyone's attention turns to me and Liam and I blush. Liam continues walking further in without a problem with all the attention he gets. I on the other side, walk closely behind him with my face on the ground. Liam takes the only seats avaivable in the middle of the classroom but all the way to the left. I sit down slowly after Liam has taken his seat and continue looking down.

"Okay students! We've got a new student that started today" The teacher says and everyone looks at her first, but then unfortunatly at me. I blush even more and sink further down in the chair.

I want to dissapear so badly right now.

Liam taps me on the shoulder and leans in closer to my ear.

"It's okay don't worry" He says and gives me a comforting smile before sitting back straight into his chair. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down.

"This is Louis Tomlinson, he has actually moved here from Doncaster! Would you like to tell us something about yourself Louis?" The teacher continues and I immediatly get even more nervous.

Bloody hell that I would talk in front of this whole class?!

After some seconds I just shake my head becouse I know that it's not worth it to try and talk in this situation.

I'm not gonna embarrass myself for any more people today.

"That's okay! You don't have to. I want you all to make Louis feel welcomed! Now, continue with your work!" She says before walking over to me and Liam.

"Don't worry about anything, here's your book, we are reading on chapter 4 and then there's some math problems also but I think you're familiar with it. If you need help with anything I'm allways avaivable, welcome to my class" She says with a smile before walking back to her desk at the front.

I look around and suddenly I meet a pair of familiar green eyes.

Harry?! What the fuck, is he in my class?

He looks immediately away into his phone. I don't know how I missed that he was in my class when I first walked in, I guess that I was too nervous to look around. And why was he looking at me? It's probably just because I am new.

Mostly of the students have turned their attention back into their books or phones, which is very reliving for me. I turn my face to the book that my teacher gave me and open chapter 4.

Harry's perspective

Fuck, he saw me. He saw me while I was secretely looking over at him. Well, atleast other people looked over at him too because he's new.

But ohh, his gorgeous eyes.

What. The. Actuall. Fuck. Harry?!

He looks down on his book and opens a page. I keep sending him glances once in a while under the whole class. Fortunatly for me he doesn't catch me this time. When the bell finally rings I'm the first one out. I head to my locker, it is number 37. It's right outside the classroom, which is nice because I don't have the energy to walk around the whole school, though I will have to do that later for other classes.

I open my locker and put in my books, before taking my Chemistry books.
In Chemistry I have atleast Zayn in the same class. Unfortunatly we also have Chris, Kyle and James in our class. Well the most unfortunate is Chris and Kyle, they always have to be so freaking annoying. I don't get why we even hang with them. I guess they just one day thought they were cool enough to hang with us or something. James though, he isn't as bad as the other two. He mostly just goes along like he doesn't have a choice. I feel bad for him sometimes. Chris and Kyle know how much of an people pleaser James is so they get him to do anything, like they would be some kind of owners of him.

Niall has biology, unfortunate. Our biology teacher is probably the grumpiest human on earth. I wouldn't be suprised if Niall wouldn't make it out alive. No one does. Well that sounded dramatic, but it partly is. You even dare to touch Mrs.Williams desk or things, that'll be the last thing you do.


OooooOoo very dramatic from Harry's side😭 What do yall think of the chapter? It is a bit shorter maybe but I was thinking about writing one more maybe today even? To make up for the wait of the other one's and this short one xx

This chapter is not edited yet so if you're seeing any mistakes please write to me on snapchatt (lina_zakrisson) or my wattpad account on instagram (lina_lightsupwattpad) xx

If your adding me on snapchatt please write your username in the comments that I'll know to accept💗💗

Love you lotsss Lina xxl

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