Chapter 55

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Daniel savored a marinated clam tartine, its flavor distinct but not unpleasant: a marinated oyster atop a bed of spicy kimchi on a light rice base. The banquet's menu was a blend of cultures, seamlessly mixing French dishes with Asian cuisine. Despite having little appetite, stress compelled Daniel to eat, fearing he might faint and ruin his last chance at escape.

He looked at his reflection in the mirror - pale, eyes nervously darting, chewing mechanically. Catching Maxim's curious stare, he moved on to another culinary treat.

"Damn, it's still moving," Maxim whispered in shock, eyeing in horror the large, thinly sliced lobster the waitstaff had just brought, replacing its unfortunate predecessor. The lobster did indeed twitch its limp tentacles. Daniel chuckled softly as he picked up an oyster.

"This one's still alive too, can you believe it?" Daniel said, swallowing another oyster with relish, enjoying Maxim's disgusted reaction. Maxim was constantly hovering, and Daniel needed to maintain the right distance at the appropriate moment for the mise-en-scène he had prepared.

The evening's program specified a performance by the banquet's host, the renowned banker Li Zheng, at eight o'clock - a time considered auspicious in Asia. The guests were of considerable importance, not much less so than the Singaporean tycoon. Alexander was perhaps the least important among them, the invitation clearly intended for his father, but once again, he had chosen to elevate his son's status. The presence of the guests' bodyguards further highlighted their status; these guards could swiftly evacuate their charges from any danger.

Daniel tried not to dwell on the consequences of any mistake he might make. It was better to try and fail than to spend the rest of his life regretting doing nothing. He swallowed two more tartlets without really tasting them and checked the ornate gold wall clock, as if trying to make the time go faster - five more agonizing minutes to go. Gold was a prevalent motif in the hall, incorporated subtly and tastefully. The atmosphere exuded old money, Ivy League education, and a refined sense of proportion - qualities often lacking in first-generation nouveau riche.

Alexander approached them, gracefully escorting Nastya, who looked almost beautiful in her white dress that accentuated her olive-toned skin and was complemented by elegant makeup. Daniel couldn't deny that they looked quite harmonious together; her natural appearance even enhanced the authenticity of their relationship. To Alexander's credit, he looked particularly impressive that evening, dressed in a dark green, almost black tuxedo by Desmond Merrion. The suit deepened the shade of his eyes, and his casually styled golden waves of hair and Hollywood-style smile charmed everyone. If Li Zheng had been disappointed to see the less successful son instead of the father, he was undoubtedly won over now.

Georgy, dressed in a black Brioni tuxedo like Daniel's, looked appropriately understated, given his role. Alexander gave him a quick look, furrowing his brow at Georgy's noticeable nervousness but continued on. At Georgy's subtle gesture, Daniel joined the end of the line, deliberately letting Maxim go first. Maxim scowled but didn't protest, as the guests moved inexorably towards the stage. Behind them, the Arab Sheikh Al Rashid and his large entourage stood out in their white flowing kandura and gutra against the darker crowd.

Daniel took a deep breath- i-d-e-a-l. The moment had come. It was the perfect opportunity. He knew Alexander had been briefed on what to do in the event of an attack: never resist the guards, even in panic, allow himself to be taken and quickly removed from danger. The three bodyguards would prioritize Alexander's safety above all else, followed by Nastya, his fiancée, and then Georgy, his right-hand man.

Cold sweat trickled down Daniel's back, sharpening his senses. His heart raced, his ears rang, and his mouth was dry. He had rehearsed the action many times, masking the sounds with running water, so there should be no mistakes. With a sweaty finger, he made two moves: the first to unlock and the second to trigger.

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