Chapter 57

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"I need to head to the office for a couple of hours," Alexander swiftly adjusted his tie while walking. "I'll try to be back as soon as possible. The interior designers are scheduled to come and see you. Are you okay with that, or should I reschedule?"

"I'll meet with them," Daniel finished his coffee and placed the cup on the tray table, humming uncertainly as he observed the wet bottom leaving streaks on the beautiful mosaic inlay. A table like this should be showcased in a museum as a piece of art, not stained with food and drink. He pushed the table aside and rose lazily, turning toward the panoramic window. In the sea-inspired hues of the bedroom, the morning's gray light filtering through the awakening city appeared more poetic - like a dawn on a rugged Scottish rocky shore. "What's the big deal?"

"It's not a big deal, just checking," Alexander approached silently. "Considering you've just experienced a nervous breakdown, Danny, I don't want to worsen things with unnecessary details," Alexander whispered as he approached. "I intended to accompany you when they arrive, to provide support in an unfamiliar environment."

"To be more precise, to oversee," Daniel replied dryly, shrugging off a kiss on his right shoulder. "I can manage it, I won't cause a scene - it's just completing a room, not a significant challenge. Go to the office."

"When I return, we'll go for a walk and have lunch out. If you feel hungry before then, have a light snack, okay?" Alexander, without waiting for a response, turned him around. His eyes gleamed as he leaned in for a kiss. Daniel didn't pull away, softly reciprocating the gesture, feeling Alexander's restless hands on his back. After a moment, he turned his head toward the window.

"When can I start working?"

"When your doctors give the green light," Alexander kissed his temple one last time, rubbing his nose contentedly. "Not before. I'm firm on this, Danny, so please don't push it," he added tenderly. "Did you know you have a mole on your temple that looks like a bird?"

Daniel, who had geared up for an argument, felt thrown off - what bird? What nonsense. It was a clumsy attempt to change the subject without allowing him to finish his previous point.

"I want to get back to work in the next few days," Daniel stated stubbornly, pushing Alexander's chest to get him to let go. "And you should consider seeing a psychiatrist, Sasha! Seeing a bird in a mole – holy shit!"

"It's in the shape of a tiny tick," Alexander hummed with wild delight, tracing his finger in the air. "Like a seagull over the sea. It's very beautiful, I like it."

"You like everything," Daniel remarked as he headed to the bathroom, throwing a frown in farewell. "I'll start work in the next few days. Get the project ready, or I'll think you've lied to me."

"No lies, Danny! I'll give you everything we agreed on," Alexander followed him fearfully, but Daniel sped up - he didn't want to talk at all, especially since he still had to shower and get ready before the designers came.

In the bathroom, Daniel clicked the lock, grinning when the doorknob jerked - he'd made it! He immediately cringed at the sight of the luxurious black-and-white marble-and-mirror-and-crystal grotto that served as the bathtub. His doppelgangers slid on the mirrored walls, dumping clothes into the gaping yawn of a laundry basket shaped like a twisted mother-of-pearl shell - there was no doubt that the mother-of-pearl in this basket was real.

After stripping naked, Daniel stood at the largest mirror, which reflected numerous copies of smaller mirrors. Yes, Alexander was right about something: his natural colors matched the colors of the interior - white skin, dark hair, blue eyes. It was a strange coincidence to live carelessly, unaware that one was conforming to someone else's fastidious taste, someone else's favorite colors and images. Daniel slapped the mirror with annoyance and made his way to the shower stall. Nonsense! The main point was that Alexander's natural colors weren't what he'd dreamed of.

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