Chapter 1

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Despite the incredible smell of ice in the Alaskan air, my nostrils caught a sniff of the familiar stench of a wolf. The reek from the woods in the Salvian territory always revolved around my family and me. This, however, was a fresher scent: a shapeshifter, which I wasn't so acquainted with.

The sky was clear, though the atmosphere seemed thick with a cool mist. Despite the cold, the birds weren't shy about singing this early in the morning. They were probably used to the cold weather—like I am. As I ran, my boots creaked against the snow, passing tree after tree within seconds.

As soon as I saw him, I stopped in my tracks in the snow, moving behind one of the trees. It was the third day this week that I had found him here, early in the morning, while I was on my way to Liv's after hunting animals. I had never seen his face—just the back of his head as I passed.

He was seated in the icy snow, his back resting against a large aspen tree. Tiny crystal snowflakes dotted his dark, wavy hair. He wore a pair of grey-blue jeans with black winter boots and a blue button-up shirt under a grey wool trench coat. He was reading a book; from the size of it in his hand, it looked like a novel.

I knew I wasn't supposed to be here, near the line that separated my family and the shifters' lands. But it was a good hunting ground to find deer, and I was the only one in my family who hunted here; no other Monroe would go near the Salvian territory. Firstly, because it was forbidden—my adoptive family couldn't stand the Salvian pack. Secondly, the wolves' stench was too sickening for us to be near them.

"You know I can sense you." The man's head rose from his novel, slight irritation in his tone.

Of course, he could sense me, just like I could sense him with my inhuman abilities. I remained motionless behind the tree as he stood up, turned to face me, and began approaching me.

He was extraordinarily handsome.

His skin seemed pale for a werewolf, although not as snow white as my own. He stood around six feet tall, taller than me, at five foot seven. His dark, wavy brown hair fell onto his forehead, resting above his remarkable deep, chocolate-brown eyes. His full lips looked so soft.

Ashamed of spying on him, I stepped out from behind the tree into plain view. He stopped in his tracks, his gaze fixed on my face.

I watched him from six feet away as he stared at me, an unfamiliar emotion glittering in his eyes. My immortal ears listened closely to his heartbeat, suddenly thundering in his chest. The sound made the corners of my lips twist softly.

It sounded beautiful, like the beat of life.

"I'm sorry." He exhaled, glancing down at the snow.

His voice was deep but pure and so gentle. It took me a moment to realize what he had said. Was he apologizing for acting rude? Or was it because of his staring? I assumed it was for both.

"No, I'm the one who should apologize. I didn't want to disturb you from your reading."

I couldn't bring myself to look away from his handsome face. He was quiet and frowned before his gaze returned to my face. He hesitated, his shoulders tensing and his breath quickening, and then he stepped towards me, his gaze locking with mine.

I considered going closer, but I stood my ground instead. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable being so close to me and my hard, icy-cold skin. I knew werewolves are familiar with warmth, unlike my kind. I doubted he would react kindly to my cold skin. I didn't realize my breathing had become heavier until a gasp caught in my throat.

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