VI. I'm Thinking Of You Every Night, Every Day

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My phone begins to ring, Tay picking it up for me as I start to put my hair in a bun.

"Jim's whore house you got the dough we got the hoe, how may I help you?"

"Tay! Knock it off!"

Her eyes grow wide as I finish with the bun. "What? Who is it?" I question, watching as a smile slides on her face. "Oh... Ohh yes, yes I understand. Oh you want to talk to him? Mhm... I see. Fine, i'll let you talk to him." She smiles widely before handing me the phone.

"Hello? It's Kellin."

"Oh hey Kellin, it's Vic."

My stomach drops and I look up at Tay. She begins to dance around the room, going to my closet and picking out random clothes. "I was wondering if you were free tonight... We could like, go catch a movie or hang out at the beach."

My face heats up as Tay tosses me a pair of clothes. "Of course!" I was trying so hard to be calm and casual.

"Okay, great. I'll pick you up at seven?"

"That sounds wonderful!"

"Great, see you then."

He hangs up.

Tay pulls me up from my seat and pushes me towards the bathroom. "Change Kellin! You are going on a date!!"

She hands me a knit sweater and leggings, smiling at me brightly. "Give me a moment." I say, holding the wall.

A smile grows on my face and I grab her hands. "Im going on a date with Vic Fuentes!" I sing, jumping with her. "You are! Now get changed and I'll do your makeup after."


I had changed, sitting patiently on my bed as Tay talks to Vic. Supposedly he was on his way and Tay was giving directions because he's 'stupid'.

"I'm not stupid... Just a little short-minded."

"Oh you're short for sure."

He just chuckles, the sound making my stomach fill with butterflies. "I'm so nervous." I whisper, flopping backwards on the bed and sighing.

"Don't be nervous Kells. I highly doubt he'll try and do anything to you." She states, saying something to Vic quickly before hanging up.

"Okay, he's just down the block." She states, grabbing my arm and ushering me down the stairs. "Im so happy for you!" She exclaims, opening the door as a grey car pulls up.

"Okay, go get him!" She smiles happily, pulling me into a hug. "If he makes you feel uncomfortable or if he tries anything with you just call me okay?" She whispers into my ear. I nod, holding her tightly before letting go.

"Wish me luck!" I exclaim, prancing towards Vic's car. He opens the door from the inside, pushing it open with a small smile on his face. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I blush.

"Hello." He smiles. "How're you?"

"I'm doing great, you?" I return the smile, closing the door and waving at Tay.

"Well I'm doing better now that you're here." He says cheekily, driving away from the house. I blush once again, my cheeks growing hot.

"Stop, you're making me blush." I mumble, covering up my face with my hands. He only laughs, making me peak at him through the gaps in between my fingers.

"So where are we going this fine evening?" I question, sitting up straight and staring at him as he drives.

My God he is so attractive.

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