VIII. Who Could Deny These Butterflies?

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"I've never been to a party." I say cautiously, letting Tay fix the cat ears on my head. "Oh don't worry Kells, all your friends will be there. And you don't have to drink if you don't want to. If anyone offers you a drink let me see it before you take it." She states the last part rather sternly, giving me a stern-ish look.

"But aren't I supposed to be on bed rest?" I ask, hopefully making her give up on the idea of taking me. "Oh come on Kellin, one night." She begs, budding out her bottom lip.

"You kinda reminded me of Vic for a second."

"I don't think so, I'll never be as short as him."

We begin to laugh hysterically. I'm used to her making fun of Vic, cause to be honest it's actually hilarious.

After our laughing fit Tay begins to beg again so I give in, letting her drag me out to her car. "Curfew is two!" My mom calls, waving goodbye.

Our drive to the house is silent, Tay telling me to text everyone that we were on our way. As we pull up to the house I can basically feel the music vibrating the ground. I feel bad for the parents who have kids on this street.

Tay quickly scurries up the steps, me in her wake. Many people greet her. Almost everyone that says hello to her either give me a look of disgust or they just don't notice me.

"Kellin! Over here!" I turn quickly at the sound of Vic's voice, a relieved smile forming on my face. "Kellin, Vic." Tay state simply, leaving me to talk to someone named Frank.

Vic plants a small kiss on my cheek and wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I like this outfit." He states, eyes raking over my body. My face goes pink and I begin to stutter. "T-Thanks." I manage, a smirk weaving its way onto Vic's face.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask, searching the darkened room.

"Tony and Mike." He points to a corner and I see two figures passionately making out together.

"Tyler and Josh." He points to an awkward looking Tyler smiling at Josh as he tries to make him do shots with him.

"Jaime, Tay, Jenna." He points at the three and my eyes catch Jaime's, a smile forming on his lips.

He approaches us, smiling at me. "Kellin! I didn't see you come in!" He says warmly. I let go of Vic to give him a quick hug, smiling and shrugging. "I just got here with Tay." I state, Vic sliding his arm around my waist again.

We continue our conversation, Tay joining to ask if I wanted a drink. "Uhm..." I've never had alcohol before. I've been kinda scared of it ever since my dad.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, I was just throwing the option out there." She says sweetly, smiling kindly. "Can you maybe find me a bottle of water?" I ask, face going pink. She gives me a thumbs up and heads off towards the kitchen.

"Anyways, I'm gonna go speak with Jenna." Jaime smiles, motioning to the blonde Goddess that was staring at us intensely. I nod and feel Vic's lips on my cheek.

I turn my head and smile, Vic's nose brushing against mine. He smiles too, leaning a little bit closer before pulling away quickly at a loud cooing sound.

"Aw! I'm so happy you two are together!" Tay squeals, handing me a water bottle and smiling widely. My face goes pink and Vic smiles brightly. "Well I'm going to leave you be, Jenna is waiting for me." She winks and walks towards her.

Vic hums slightly, lips next to my ear as he rubs my hips with his fingers. "You are so hot." He whispers, pressing his lips against my neck. My face goes hot.

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