IX. It'll Be Alright

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"Come on Kellin, I want to drive you to school today." My mom says, smiling at me as I begrudgingly take a bite of cereal. It's my first day back to school.

Ever since I've been hospitalized she's been sitting down with me, making sure I actually eat everything. "Can I be done?" I ask quietly, giving the half full bowl a dirty look.

She nods, still smiling. I sigh in relief. I'm not really able to eat breakfast in the morning because it makes me nauseous.

The bus passes my school and I see Vic as he gives me a small wave. I smile as I climb into the car. "Okay, I've told Tay to make you eat at least one thing from the cafeteria. And I know you have social anxiety so I've asked her if she can get it for you. I won't make you talk to the lunch ladies." Mom smiles, pulling out of the driveway and making me sigh in relief.

"And remember, Tay can and will kick anyone's ass." My mom says, smiling and shaking her head. "I know, trust me. And I can stick up for myself mom." I state, giving her a sideway glance.

"I know... But I'm just worried." She says softly, the conversation taking a turn for the worst. "I just don't want you getting hurt."

"No one has bullied me besides talking about me behind my back. I've never gotten hurt so I don't think it's going to change at all."

She pulls up to the curb and lets me out, saying a brief goodbye before leaving. "Kellin!" Jaime shouts, smiling widely and waving me over.

I smile, walking over to the group and giving Jaime a hug. Then I give Vic a big one. He presses a soft kiss to my cheek, grabbing my hand as we all walk towards the building.

"I'm so happy you're back, school is so dull without you." Tay sighs, smiling at me. I blush. "You're to sweet." I say softly, shaking my head.

"Okay, I've gotta go." Vic says, looking at his watch. I smile softly as he presses his lips against mine. "See you at lunch." I whisper, letting go of his hand as he walks away.

"Josh is in your class so if anyone is mean or something just tell him." Tay says. "I can take care of myself." I say, frowning. The bell rings and she smiles. "I just want you to be alright."

Then she leaves.

I enter the classroom, looking around for a seat. "Welcome back Mr. Quinn." Mrs. Williams states, smiling widely. I give her a soft smile in return, plopping myself next to Josh.

Mrs. Williams begins the lesson, letting me turn in all my homework from the past week.

"So, why've you been gone?" The person sitting next to me asks. I shrug, writing down the things on the board.

"I heard you were in a mental hospital."

I turn my head, giving him a confused and annoyed look. "Well obviously you heard wrong." I spit, trying to keep calm. I'm never this aggressive with people.

He rolls his eyes, chuckling softly. "Whatever you say, faggot."

My hand clenches around my pencil and the led snaps from me pressing it so hard into the paper. I take a deep breath and offer him a smile. "Well it's nice that you actually know big words. Now please stop talking to me, I don't like talking to fuckboys."

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