oblivion - grimes

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Your already bruised body is slammed down onto a concrete floor.

"Oof! You alright doll? Didn't mean to slam you down like that." a man chuckles as he towers over you, "I'm Simon." You take a look at your surroundings. You're in a small room with a bed, some bookshelves, a kitchenette, and a bathroom attached.

He does some sarcastic jazz hands "Home sweet home." he says as you look around.

"W-where am I?" you ask, confused. Simon struts towards you as you stand up, dazed in your new room.

"It's called the Sanctuary, Negan's headquarters. And this is your room. Bit nicer than where I woulda put you. So be grateful." You look him up and down, still a bit confused.

"He was about to kill me, why the hell would he put me in a place this nice?"

"Oh also, don't bother trying to escape, the door locks from the OUTside. Negan'll be here in a moment, give you a little briefing on how shit's gonna go down. Seeya!" Simon nods at you as he walks through the door, the lock clicking behind him. You take a deep sigh, your ribs aching as they expand. You're immediately drawn to the bookshelves and decide to take a look through the collection. You see plenty of boring filler books: self help, finance, 50¢ romance novels. But a few classics catch your eye. You recall your mom's favourite book, The Catcher in the Rye. When you were younger she read you small excerpts from it. You rifle through the pages and stop on a random page, then search for a random place to start:

"Among other things, you'll find that you're not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behaviour. You're by no means alone on that score, you'll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now."

You roll your eyes, acknowledging the ironic reality of that line now. You shut the book promptly and creep over to your kitchenette, running your hand along the countertop. You try the faucet and water immediately comes shooting out, to which you quickly switch it off. Next you check your small ensuite bathroom. There's a small shower, a toilet and a sink. Hung up are a few towels and under the sink is toilet paper and lots of toiletry items, even some feminine products for you. You finally make your way to the bed. While small, it's quite bouncy. Sat on the edge is an extra blanket and a set of clothes about your size. You wonder in amazement at how much they have, questioning how they get so many resources.

Just then you hear the door squeak open and you spin around, coming face to face with Negan himself, with a few saviours stood outside, blocking the doorway.

"Well, waddya think? Pretty nice isn't it?" Negan snarls as he looks you in the eye. He slowly creeps closer to you as you shake, your breath quickening. You nod cautiously in response.

"I'm guessing you're probably really confused though, so let me get some shit cleared up." Negan sits down on your bed, smiling as he bounces a bit, and then motions for you to take a seat. You do so very slowly, in fear of what he might do to you.

"So, let me get this out of the way, I don't like to kill women, ok? Especially bad ass women like you. So think of this as kind of a house arrest, but in my house. You know, Daryl is not having as much fun as you right now." You frown at the mention of your friend's name, hoping they haven't hurt him too bad.

"Now, like I said, you are a supreme bad ass, a real renegade. And I love that about you. So, I'm thinking...maybe you become one of us. Now I know, you aren't super into that idea just yet, you don't have to give me an answer. But mull it over in that smart head of yours." You scoff, offended that he'd even suggest that. He rolls his eyes at you.

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