𝓋𝒾𝒾, ser coren.

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chapter seven, ser coren

It had been a few weeks since her wedding, The Queen insisted that Alana took a personal guard for protection she said

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It had been a few weeks since her wedding, The Queen insisted that Alana took a personal guard for protection she said. During those few weeks Alana and Aegon had gotten to know each other more, they even began to grow fond of each other, despite Aegon leaving at night and coming back a few hours later.

Alana walked down the halls, with her newly appointed guard Ser Coren. He walked with a serious expression, resting his hand on the pommel of his sword scanning the surroundings as they walked. He was a man probably not much older than Aegon, he had a stubble beard, and brown hair above his shoulders. He was taller than Alana, but he did not tower over her.

"You are Dornish correct?" Alana asked Ser Coren, looking back at him before looking ahead once again. She was walking to the gardens where Helaena told her to meet her.

"Yes, I am my lady." Ser Coren nodded, his voice carrying a Dornish Accent.

Alana nodded, "Is is hotter than Kings Landing?" She asked, wearing a navy blue dress off the shoulder as most of her dresses were.

Ser Coren chuckled, "Yes my lady, the summers there are very hot, it's nothing like Kings Landing."

"I can barely even handle the heat here, I doubt I'd be able to ever be there."  Alana said, as they both stood next to each other now, walking down the stairs.

"Yes my lady, the heat can be quite unbearable to some."  Ser Coren said, with nod.

The two of them stayed in silence, despite the sound of the their footsteps on the ground and the clink of Ser Coren's armor.

They both walked into the gardens, Alana noticed Helaena looking at the rose bushes, waiting for Alana patiently.

"You may stay here Ser." Alana looked back at Ser Coren, with a smile.

"Of course my lady." He nodded and stood by the gardens.

Alana held the skirts of her dress up a bit as she walked on the grass, the grass damp from previously raining.

Helaena looked over towards Alana hearing faint footsteps on the grass, Helaena's hair was tied back in a braid, and she wore a simple grey dress. "I've been waiting for you." She smiled then looked back at the roses.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting." Alana smiled, before she stood next to Helaena.

Helaena shook her head, her eyes fixated on the red roses, "These flowers...they are beautiful are they not?"

"They are." Alana nodded and looked at the roses, running her hand over a petal.

"They are so fragile, so beautiful yet so fragile." Helaena spoke, as she looked at one of the roses, a green caterpillar appearing. She looked strangely at the bug, before picking it up. "A creature so small...to wonder how it becomes a beautiful butterfly.."

Alana nodded, stepping closing towards Helaena watching the green creature crawl over Helaena's hand. "We are like butterflies, are we not?" Helaena asked.

"How so?" Alana asked, looking up from the crawling creature to Helaena.

"When a caterpillar changes into a butterfly, they have to learn new ways to live, much like people...we have to change even if it's scary, and we have to learn how to accept these changes despite not wanting too." Helaena spoke, before putting the caterpillar back down on the rose.

Alana nodded and looked back down at the caterpillar, watching as it crawled away, disappearing into the rose bushes.

"We all start off as caterpillars, but we learn how to grow into a butterfly, eventually." Helaena smiled, before looking at the garden entrance, seeing Ser Coren. "You have a guard now?"

"His name is Ser Coren...he's Dornish." Alana raised her eyebrows.

"Oh? A Dornishman? I've always found the histories of Dorne interesting." Helaena raised her eyebrows, looking back at Alana. "He seems to be very observant."


By the time Alana had returned to her and Aegon's shared chambers, the sky had already grown dark. The halls of the Red Keep were empty despite for a few guards standing post. Ser Arryk stood by the room, in his post, he opened the door with a nod, as Ser Coren stood in his post on the other side of the door.

The door shut with a gentle clink, Aegon sat infront of the fire in a chair, watching the flames with a goblet of wine in hand, half drank.

"Anything else fun you did today?" Aegon asked, looking up from the flames at her.

"Not really." She says sitting on the chair next to him, "I was mostly in the gardens with Helaena."

"Ah, admiring the flowers yet again?" Aegon looked back at the flames.

"Your sister is strange but that it what I find so interesting about her." Alana looks into the flames.

"Yes, she is certainly..strange...in her own way." Aegon nodded, looking back at her, watching how the flames danced in her brown eyes, before looking back into the flames.

Alana let out a yawn, "I don't know why I am so tired after just standing in the gardens all day."

Aegon chuckled, before Alana stood up and went to grab her nightgown before slipping into it. Aegon gaze still on the flames.

"Goodnight.." Alana spoke, before climbing into their shared bed, but the bed was big enough.

"Goodnight.." He replied before taking a drink from his wine.

A few minutes went by, Alana couldn't sleep but stayed still. She heard Aegon stand up and heard the rustle of clothing, falling to the floor, and putting clothes on.

She heard walking and him putting his boots on, before she felt a burst of wind behind her, he was going to Flea Bottom. Then he left, leaving Alana.

i'll have chap 8 up soon.

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