Kai's coughed up chaos.

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Zane's POV: I'm brewing tea for Cole, Jay, Lloyd, and myself when I heard more heaving. This time not even in a bathroom. Kai has vomited all over his red duvet cover. I walk into his room, bed and shirt covered in puke. 

"Ugh, Zane, please help me." He's profusely sweating, being the master of fire, he's normally sprouting a fever, but by analyzing his pale complexion, my sources say he has a fever of 112 degrees Fahrenheit (44.4 degrees Celsius). What's normally death for regular mortals is a normal fever for Kai to have when he's sick. "Zane, I'm so hot, and weak, and stuffy, and cold all at the same time!" 

I take his duvet off. "PIXAL, this is Zane, do you read me. We have three puking ninja and Kai may have vomited on his sheets." I say, using the messaging device we have. 

"Mmm, I'm up, I'm up. Be right there to help you." Her voice says, annoyed but still gracious and loving. 

"Oh, wow, Kai, I don't even think you consumed that much tortellini." PIXAL says, taking the duvet from me. 

"Jay and Lloyd are also sick, they're in the shared room, let's get you cleaned up." I say, grabbing Kai's forearms and pulling him up. He falls into my chest and sighs of relief. 

"You're so cold." He says. 

"I'm made of a titanium alloys and have pure ice flowing through my veins at all time." He smiles and cuddles into my chest. 

When I get him into the bathroom, he instantly leans over the toilet, blowing chunks of pizza from lunch yesterday into the toilet. He starts crying. "Oh First Spinjitzu Master... fuck me.... I feel so shitty." 

He laughs a bit and wipes his eyes. I prepare a cold bubble bath for him and help him clean himself. "You feeling a bit better now?" I ask him 

"Actually, yes." He says. I smile. He's in a cold bath, but his body was still so hot it made steam that helped clear his sinuses. 

I give him a tank top and Bermuda sweat shorts so he can stay a bit colder WITHOUT being naked! 

Kai crawls underneath the blanket in the bed Lloyd is in. "What are you doing?" Lloyd asks, relaxing into the heat of Kai's body. "Don't have the energy to go top..." He mutters, grammatically incorrect. "Why this bed?" Lloyd asks. "Cole fell asleep in the one Jay isn't in." I look to the side to see Cole, sitting up, having fallen asleep. He's not an early riser either, and he too sleeps until two in the afternoon, so it doesn't surprise me he's fallen asleep, the time now only being 7:51. 

I look at my brothers and smile, before heading into the kitchen where PIXAL is. 

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