Cole's Turn.

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Cole's POV: The nausea finally hit me after I drank a glass of water. I walk into the bathroom closest to the kitchen to see Nya and Jay in there. 

I can't help but make small talk with them, I mean it's better than demanding them to move, Jay looked a bit shaken up anyways. 

Jay stops what he's saying and talks to me. 

"Oh, hey Cole." He says. 

Well, I need to talk now. 

"Hey, lovebirds, you two doing ok?" 

"I'm still puking, but I'm very hungry." He says. I can't deny I'm shocked he said this to me. He's normally against eating while sick, no matter what. 

"Ah cool, anyways-" Can't go back now "Can you two move?" I ask. 

Those two look at each other than at me, nodding. 

It takes a hot second for Jay to get up, he looks like he needs food. 

I take his place, and spot a hair tie on the ground. I pick it up and put my hair up. 

"Nausea finally hitting you?" Jay asks. "Fuck, yes, ugh!" I say, placing a hand on my aching stomach. 

Before they even leave the bathroom's area, I'm leaned over the toilet, food escaping me. 

Jay's POV: I watch as Cole heaves, shoulders jutting out with every time his food leaves him. Nya lets go of me and I go back in, rubbing his back. 

I can't stand seeing my brothers like this, and he helped me when I first got sick, so it only feels right to help him. 

Cole is breathing hard after he's done. 

"Dang, I- uhg." He tries speaking but can't get his words out. 

"I know." I say, not knowing or even having any idea of what he was gonna say, it just feels fitting. 

Cole's POV: I really appreciate Jay treating me like he's fine when I know he feels just as shitty, if not shittier than I do. Him massaging my back is helping me so much, despite the fact I'm hurling. 

When I finally lean away from the toilet I still feel short of breath, but I no longer feel as nauseous. 

"Oh, Nya, hello- oh Cole? You too. I shouldn't be surprised. Need help." I don't quite feel ready to leave without puking, but before I can answer, Jay is leaned back over the toilet, throwing up just bile. How he can still puke, I don't know. 

"Oh, Jay, still?" Zane asks. 

Jay doesn't respond to that, I mean, he's gagging and dry heaving, so he can't. 

"Have you had any antibiotics?" He asks. Jay wipes his mouth with his forearm. 

"I can't keep those down either, Zane." He starts. "Oh God, I just feel so sick, and so weak... nothing stays down so I'm dehydrated and hungry but it just won't stay down, actually, I don't even need to eat to puke, as seen here." Jay says, rambling. 

"Jay, perhaps, uhm..." Zane starts. 

"No, don't even." He says. 

"Perhaps we should take you to a hospital." 

Jay buries his face in his hands and sighs before drawing his knees in and wrapping his arms around those instead. "I know, the human body can only last 3 days without water, blah blah blah.... I just don't wanna go." 

"I know you don't have fond memories of hospital visits, but if you can't eat, you may need a feeding tube or something that connects to your stomach. 

"No, don't." Jay says. 

Jay had meningitis as a kid causing him to have epilepsy. He did so many surgeries as a kid, I even remember this time when he was away for weeks in a hospital for his last one. 

He hasn't gone to the hospital for a visit out of fear something will be wrong with him. Even when he almost died, not only were we not able to bring him to one, but he didn't want to go either. 

I sigh, hoping Jay can eat food tomorrow without puking, only to start puking again myself. 

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