you're my bestfriend

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"James..." she whispered, arching backward.

But she wanted me. I could hear it in her breath.

"James no, or James yes?" I murmured, kissing the inside of her elbow.

"I don't know," she moaned.

"Fair enough." I moved higher, nudging at her chin until she had no choice but to tilt her head back.

And I had no choice but to make love to her neck.

I kissed her slowly, thoroughly, sparing no inch of skin from my sensual onslaught. I moved up to the line of her jaw, then over to her earlobe, then back down to the edge of her blouse, grasping it between my teeth. She gasped, but she didn't tell me to stop, so I just pulled and pulled and pulled until one button popped open.

I blew lightly on her nipple. "Shall I kiss you?" I looked up. I knew I was taking a chance with this, waiting for her answer. I probably shouldn't have even posed the question, but even though my intent was to seduce, I couldn't quite bring myself to do it without at least one affirmative word from her.

"Shall I?" I murmured again, sweetening the deal with one light flick of my tongue across her nipple.

"Yes!" she burst out. "Yes, for God's sake, yes!"

I smiled. Slowly, languidly, savoring the moment. And then, after letting her quiver with anticipation for one second longer than was probably fair, I leaned in and took her into my mouth, pouring years and years of desire onto the one breast, centering it wickedly onto one innocent nipple.

She wasn't going to stand a chance.

"Oh, my God!" she gasped, grasping the edge of the bed for purchase as her entire body arched back. "Oh, my God. Oh, James. Oh, my God."

I took advantage of her pleasure to slide my hands around her hips and lift her up until she was seated on the bed, her legs parting for me as my calves, pushing her skirt up and up, until it settled in a rumpled pool above her knees.

And it was only then that I pulled away and gave her a hint of a reprieve.

She looked at me, her eyes glazed, her lips pink and parted. She didn't say anything; I didn't think she could say anything. But I saw the questions in her eyes. She might be beyond speech, but she was several minutes away from total insanity.

"I thought it would be cruel to torture you any longer," I said, lightly taking her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.

She groaned.

"You like that." It was a statement, and not a particularly sophisticated one, but this was Piper, not some nameless woman I was seducing while I closed my eyes and imagined her face. And every time she mewled with pleasure my heart raced with joy. "You like it," I said again, smiling with satisfaction.

"Yes," she whispered. "Yes."

I leaned in until my lips were brushing her ear. "You'll like this, too."

"What?" she asked, surprising me with her query. I'd thought she was too far gone to question me aloud.

I nudged her skirt a little higher, just enough so that there was no danger of it falling off her lap. "You want to hear it, don't you?" I murmured, sliding my hands until they were just above her knees. I squeezed her thighs gently, circling against her skin with my thumbs. "You want to know."

She nodded.

I moved toward her again, lightly touching my lips to hers, close enough to feel her, yet far enough to speak. "You were always so curious," I murmured.

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