Chapter 2

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I'm outside. It's so bright. I'm not in a cage anymore and I can walk where I want. It's freedom. My mom is waiting for me at the car, since mother had stuff to do. She takes my suitcase, I can tell she's not in a happy or talkative mood.

She puts my suitcase in the trunk and I go to the passenger seat, sitting down. Though I more just drop myself into it. I shut the door, making sure not to slam it. It smells as I remembered and I want to be excited. I can't tell if I'm excited. That numb feeling is still gripping me, with cold fingers.

The car ride is silent, not even the radio is turned on. Back to mom, maybe she's scared I'll ask about what happened in my absence.

Passing all those streets I know by heart, my favorite store as a kid. It's nostalgic and heartbreaking. Parking up to the house, there's a few extra scratches in the paint I don't remember. The green door has a Christmas decoration up, which is not out of the ordinary for my family, especially since it's November.

I open the door, and I can hear the pats and scratching of his paws on the floor immediately,

"Raisin? Raisin!"

I smile, genuinely. Raisin, my beautiful pittie. He's obnoxious and shoved me down onto the ground. I laugh, petting him and tackling him. He's stronger than me, but I'm still gentle with him. I could be just fine right here, with Raisin playing. But of course it can never be that simple.

I hear her voice, moms. I unravel myself from Raisin's playing and see her. She's in the brink of tears, I can tell. I continue to smile, but halfway through it I'm just forcing myself. She gently touches my arm before she moves in and embraces me with one of her death hugs, as my family calls them. She practically strangles us, I used to hate it, how I just want her to kill me with it.

She pulls away, reluctantly. I see Emera coming down the stairs, we all call her Emy. She's my younger sister, middle child. She's hesitant when she sees me. We've never had a good relationship before the incident, but I can tell how badly she's feeling the moment she sees me.

She knows I did what I did for her, for Liz. Is that why she's not screaming at me for being an idiot? She makes it to the bottom of the stairs and I let her decide if she wants a hug or not. She doesn't, but she does give me a nod. I return it with a smile, a bigger one.

It's gone the second I see Linzy, Liz I call her. She doesn't hug me either and she's mad. She's not happy I'm back. Fuck, I hope I can fix this. Emery gives me a buddy punch on the shoulder before walking back upstairs.

The night went on as usual, mom didn't speak, mother did most of the talking. Linzy stayed in her room and Emery only came downstairs to ask for a charger. I stayed with mom and mother, not Ike I could get out of mother's constant hugs and kisses on the cheek.

I went up to my room, finally, around I think it was eleven-thirty? Sometimes around that. It was dark and I was exhausted. But I couldn't sleep, dreading tomorrows meetings and going by back to senior year. I don't remember falling asleep, but I must have. It's dark.

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