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"Come on Molly girl, we're off to mommy's shop." Lena cooed as she put the little ball of fur into the kennel in the back of her suv. "Have a good day girls. I'll see you both later. Be good for mommy now won't you." Kara cooed as she kissed the pups head before pulling her girlfriend into her arms. "I love you." Kara whispered. "I love you too darling." Lena replied. "Is your mom coming into the shop today?" Kara asked. "Yes, she'll be there while I'm with you during lunch, and she'll stay while Molly gets her big girl shots." Lena replied. "Good, I hope she likes her grand dog." Kara added. "Oh I'm sure she will. But you need to get going love, and so do we." Lena said. "Mmm...yea...I know..." Kara replied as she gave Lena one more kiss before parting ways and going to work.

A few minutes later Lena was at her shop with a bag on one arm and a leash on the other. Molly was all excited to go to work with her mommy today. "Come on little one, let's get you situated so mommy can start making soaps." Lena cooed as she put the bag of puppy toys down. She pulled out a few pee pads and sat them around the back room before putting down Molly's water and food bowl. "Ok sweetheart, mommy's gonna make some soap so you play with your froggy toy." Lena cooed. Molly happily began chomping on the toy while Lena set about work.

Meanwhile Kara was busy doing usual exams on her patients. It was a typically normal day at the clinic. No one asked her out, no one flirting with her, nothing out of the ordinary. Kara was thankful for that. "Nia. I'm gonna go back to my office now, call if I'm needed." Kara said. "Ok boss!" Nia replied. Kara walked into her office to do some paperwork while there was a lull better patients.

It was nearing lunch when she got knock on her door. "What is it Nia?" Kara asked not picking up her head up from the paperwork. "It's not Nia..." Lena replied. Kara's head snapped up to see Lena and Molly standing in the doorway. "Lee! Molly! How are my two favorite girls doing today?" Kara asked. "We're good, how are you?" Lena asked as she sat on the sofa. "I'm good, just got done some regular checkups, and got started on paperwork." Kara replied. "Well it's good thing we brought you lunch." Lena replied. Kara joined Lena and Molly on the sofa as she took a wrapped burger from Lena. "So? How does your mom like Molly?" Kara asked. "She loves her. She thinks shes the sweetest little thing." Lena replied. "That's good. She is the sweetest little thing in the world." Kara cooed as she patted Molly's head. "If she's the sweetest little thing...what am I?" Lena asked.

Kara turned toward Lena placing a hand on her cheek. She leaned in pressing a kiss to her lips before she whispered something. "You are the most beautiful, sexy, smart, amazing, gorgeous, woman in the entire universe." Kara whispered. "I love you too Kar." Lena replied.

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