Chapter 1: {Weakling}

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Good day to make some people cry! Ok but bear with me here, I promise the next chapter is worth the pain :)

Enjoy! Or maybe not that might be weird for the topic....

Severe content warning for Abuse and mentions of blood. I put the warning above the part where it gets gory again, but I wanted to let you know now! <3


King Frederic was in another one of his... moods. Pete and Stan listened nervously as the king drunkenly stormed around his chambers, to the sounds of books being thrown and glass shattering. And then, like clockwork, his voice roared out:

"Guards.....BRING ME Y/N!"

The guards winced and turned to each other, beckoning the other to walk. Neither of them particularly wanted to see the short girl's face turn crestfallen at her step-father's commands.

Pete eventually shuffled forward. He traversed the castle, to the top of the furthest tower from the king. He sucked in a sorrowful breath before knocking on the young teen's door.

"Yes?" A voice as smooth as a cappuccino made from the finest Arabica beans called out. It was as if her vocal cords didn't rub against each other to make sound, they played each other, in song.

She opened the door, adorned in her (f/c) night gown.

Pete cleared his throat. Y/n knew immediately what he meant. Pete's diffident face said it all.

Y/n's face fell, but quickly accepted fate, growing into a familiar mask, well worn like a pillow with a permanent dent for your head. Eye bags seemed to appear out of nowhere, and the glimmer in her eye evaporated like a dew drop in the late morning. A face like that only belongs on adults who have seen too much and aren't doing enough. It's a crime to see such marks on a flower that's only starting to bloom into who they are.

In a voice that starkly contrasted the coffee from earlier, she spoke like worn shoes on a rough cobblestone road.

"Alright, I know the drill."



"NGH!" Y/n let out a painful grunt as she flew into the wall, knocking precious items off shelves with the impact. The king howled at her, stomping over, screaming down at her battered body on the floor.

"Look what you've done, you incompetent brat!!! If ARIANNA hadn't BATTED her STUPID EYES AT ME, YOU'D be on your ASS in the STREETS BY NOW!"


"I'm sorry sir."


"Sorry, are you?!" He spat.


"Yes, sir. It's my fault."


"Tell me what you are." The king said. This was routine. He made her degrade herself. She thinks it made him feel more humane.

She hesitated for a second too long. The king let out a sound akin to being dragged across pavement. A gravelly, piercing sort of noise that made your bones feel sanded. Y/n flinched, shaking.


Y/N winced and blurted, "a fool."




"a twit. a-a bimbo, sir," She coughed out, her spine and dignity both bruised.

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