Chapter 2: {Friend}

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Helloooo my cute lil readers. May I say you all look absolutely adorable today? Love your outfit, yes even your jammies. (Unless your reading this without clothing... which is a weird choice)-- anyways! This is a lot less dark. I will give a content warning for


But only spoken references in this chapter :)

And we see our favorite girly, Cassarole, so enjoy! <3

(The song is Touch The Sky, originally from the Disney Pixar Animated Film Brave, and this cover is by MALINDA on Spotify (aka Malinda Kathleen Reese) go check her out!)


(C/c) - Coat Color
(H/n) - Horse name
(E/c) - Eye Color


As Y/n neared the stables, she spotted a familiar face. Cat-like green eyes, wavy hair in which every wave wanted to take a different path, and a strong demeanor-- a fighter, but with the grace of a lady-in-waiting. Cassandra heard Y/n's footsteps a mile away and turned to look at Y/n. She was in her usual brown tunic, leggings and boots, while Y/n was still stuck in her blue and white dress. Cassandra made eye contact with Y/n, giving her that habitual look.

Sympathy. It's better than pity, but Y/n still disliked the sentiment. Pity is regret free from knowledge of circumstance, while sympathy is regret because of known circumstance. Cassandra knows what the King does to Y/n, as Y/n confides in her. In fact, Cassandra might be the only person besides Y/n and the King himself that knows exactly what happens in the King's chambers.

"Hey...what was it this time?" Cassandra asked, while brushing Max's coat. Max was a good horse, lead horse of the royal guard. Cassandra's horse, Fidella, was in the stall to the right of Max, looking freshly brushed and fed.

"I-" Y/n was about to explain, but Cassandra interrupted, scanning Y/n's body with her eyes.

"Wait, let me guess. You're walking funny... but not limping. So it's not one of your legs, though it could be both. Though you aren't wincing when you place your foot down.... but when you pick it up... it's your abdomen, isn't it? It hurts when you hinge it?" The guard-in-training deduced proudly. Y/n scoffed at her musings.

"Oh, so you're a doctor all of a sudden?" Y/n bantered, staggering over to her (C/c) horse, (H/n). She stroked his head, letting him nuzzle his nose into her palm. He looked at her with big eyes full of sorrow. Animals are so much kinder than people.

Cassandra laughed. "It's important for a guard to know how to identify their hurt subjects, so they can get the most efficient methods of treatment." She smiled, pride dancing on her tongue as she spoke.

Y/n gave her an impressed look. "I admire your dedication. Hey, I'm going to change, I'll be back in a second. Could you take (H/n) out of his stall and prep him, please?" She said, starting to walk to the changing room in the stable. Cassandra lent Y/n her old clothes for going out. One day, when King Frederic permits her to talk to the citizens of Corona, she would buy her own fabric and sew her own clothing, instead of mixing and matching hand-me-downs. When I'm free.

Cassandra looked at her with concern. "You sure you want to ride today? Your wound might re-open,"

Y/n paused, absorbing Cassandra's words. Endless adventure, hair flying, friends around, not a care in the world as I gallop off toward new opportunities. Freedom, for the first time in my life. Y/n smiled with a touch of sorrow and a touch of joy. She hadn't been out in nearly a month. Whenever it neared the long lost princess's birthday, her parents both became anxious. Her mother cried every night, and her father drank more to quell the anger. Today would be the princess's 18th birthday. Happy birthday, Princess. Y/n turned to Cassandra.

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