Imagine: Draco Malfoy (Lemon)

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Requested by: Slytherin_Hecate


Imagine: Draco Malfoy, You're My Monster (lemon) 

The rumors had spread like wildfire last year. Draco Malfoy, the Draco you always secretly had feelings for, had become a Death Eater. Of course you had already seen this coming as you got to know him really well over the years. He cared a lot about his family and in order to set right in what his father failed he had to become a Death Eater.

Your last year of being a Slytherin in Hogwarts came rolling in faster than you hoped it would. You were dreading this year as you weren't sure Draco would show up for his last year after word got around that he became a Death Eater, Hogwarts wouldn't be the safest place right now. Nor fun to be when everyone will give you weird looks ranging from hatred to fear, incomprehension to loath.

But there he was, strolling out the train with the pride he wore so naturally. He ignored everyone's disapproving looks and greeted his friends with a single nod in their direction. You stood there in front of the crowd, shyly waving at him, but all he did was dodge eye-contact with you by giving you too a small nod and then made his way to the carriages.

Swiftly you jumped in the same carriage with him and as all the students avoided sharing the carriage ride with Draco the two of you left together on your way to the castle.

"So..." You tried starting a conversation, you missed talking Draco too much over the summer. "How was your summer?" He shook his head.

"You don't want to talk about it." You nodded to emphasize your statement. He cleared his throat. "Why Y/N?"

You looked at him confused, but he kept his gaze on the trees on the side of the road, away from you. "Why what Draco?" You placed your hand on his knee to get his attention."Why everything." His voice cracked ever so slightly, barely noticeable.

"Why are you here with me? Why don't you avoid me like everyone else? Why do you bother talking to me? Especially about unimportant subjects like how my summer was. I'm a monster, everyone knows it. I don't even know why I'm here, at school, at times like this."

Draco's gaze turned from the trees down to your hand on his knee. "Draco, look at me."

Without a second of hesitation he looked at you, giving you his infamous cold glare. Another person would have thought of it as intimidating, but you... You were another story.

You saw through the coldness and blind hatred, you saw the person he really was. Yes, he was strong and brave. Yet so fragile. It made you want to take care of him, look after him, make sure he's okay, even fight for him. You wanted to take away all the pain he endured, unintentionally inflicted by the Dark Lord and his father, all the pressure resting on his shoulder.

"Uhm..." He had looked up at you and saw you get lost in your thoughts. He'd seen the deeply hidden hurt you felt when you thought about everything he's going through. If only you could help him. All he had to do was let you in, but he kept his guard up all the time.

You sighed. "Never mind..." You tried to look down at your hands that you pulled back on your own lap but Draco cupped your cheek and held your gaze."What's wrong?" You shook his hand of your cheek. "What makes you think something is wrong?"

He quickly placed his hand back on your cheek, his sudden need to touch you somehow made you feel a little better. "You sounded so eager to tell me something but then you stayed quiet and got lost in your head, so obviously something is off."

With a little voice you spoke. "I care about you Draco, more than I'd like to admit, but all you do is shut people out, shut me out."

Draco sighed and his hand dropped on his lap. "You're right. It's time for a change."

But happened next was something you never anticipated. He grabbed your waist and pulled you on his lap. It made you blush vigorously. Staring at him wide-eyed you straddled him. "Never mind, you don't want to do this... You think I'm a monster too."

"No Draco, that's not it. You don't know half how much I wanted to do this for the past few years. And yes, you may be a monster, but you're a sexy beast too. And I don't want this to be one time thing we forget about tomorrow, I want you to be my beautiful monster."

He grabbed your face and kissed your nose. "You know, you're an odd one. I always admired that about you. But we'll have to keep it a secret from my parents for now, they probably won't approve of you."

Then he kissed you more passionately on the lips, you felt how he poured all his feelings into the kiss. So maybe the feelings weren't one-sided after all. With your lips not leaving his you tried to say. "You know what Juliet once said to Romeo; 'Deny thy father and refuse thy name'."

"Hmm, I love it when you share those deep thoughts and talk smart with me." He mumbled onto your lips, giving you short tender kisses in between every few words. His low moaning turned you on more than you cared to let him know.

But then the carriage arrived at the castle and you had to hop out and go to the special welcoming dinner. Draco grabbed your hand and pulled you into the corridor that leads to the dungeons where your dorms are. "You know what, I don't feel like going to that dinner."

Draco pushed you against the wall, hidden from sight in the shadows of the torches, capturing you between his hands leaning on the wall. "Why don't you come with me and finish what we started?"

"Okay," You whispered with a tiny voice.

When he surprised you by scooping you up you squealed. He then carried you bridal style through the rest of the corridors until you reached his room in the dorms that he now had to himself since no one wanted to share a room with him anymore.

After kicking the door closed behind you he walked you straight to the bed and even though you had been dreaming about this for years you suddenly became very self-conscious and nervous about what was supposedly about to happen. "Don't worry Y/N, I'll be gentle."

Draco crawled on top of you and kissed you gently, slowly getting more passionate. Before you knew it he had taken of his shirt and yours, he was now struggling with the zipper of your skirt.

Slowly he pulled your skirt down and your panties with it. You fiddled clumsily with his belt as he unclasped your bra. Since you were too nervous to succeed in loosening his belt he stifled a laugh.

Yet he made it seem so easy when he pulled his belt out of the loops of his pants with one hand and then pushed his pants down to his ankles. He kicked it away onto the pile of clothes next to the bed.

As soon as he had his underwear off too he sat up on your thighs. His hands slowly traveled down your sides from your shoulders to your hips. You saw the love and fire burning in his eyes and it turned you on more than you could ever imagine.

Leaning on his elbows he crawled back and slowly kissed your soft flesh. You bit your lips to suppress a moan. He placed his kisses a little higher every time. He had passed your belly button and your ribs.

When he kissed the soft spot between your breasts you gasped for air and arched your back upwards. The kisses rounded around your neck, up your cheek. He then slowly thrusted inside of you. It felt like your insides were being ripped apart and the tears were staining your cheeks.

You hissed in pain for a few seconds and Draco placed soft soothing kisses on your tears and slowly rubbed your hips. After you stopped crying he started slowly thrusting up and down and you softly whimpered for a few more thrusts.

Soon after that you started enjoying the feeling and thrusting upwards, in sync with his thrusts and the passion between the two of you was so intense it made you break out in a sweat.

After you both came, panting and sweating, he lay down next to you. You pulled him closer to you and lay your head on his chest. "Draco?" You said through several pants.

"Yes?" He answered breathlessly.

You gathered all your strength to ask him this question. "Will you be my beautiful monster?"

"Yes, Y/N."


Took me a little longer than I anticipated to finish this one. I got the request a few months ago and kept procrastinating writing it for different reasons. Then after I started I kept getting stuck in it, eventually I think it worked out well. What do you think? :)

I'm actually enjoying my summer for once with a lot of things happening and all, so bare with me if you sent in an request an Imagine. 

For the picture I choose something that isn't necessarily related to this story but still cool when I found it so I thought I'd share it with my readers and fellow Harry Potter series fans! :D

And for the song, a girl cover of Beautiful Monster. Originally by Ne-Yo but this one is by Princess Velasco. It actually sounds better than the original if you ask me. Sorry, not sorry.

Requests are still welcome, for more info check the description. ;)

Next up: Klaus Mikaelson!! <33

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