Imagine: Draco Malfoy (Lemon)

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Requested and thereby dedicated to: @Leslie_Estrada


Imagine: Draco Malfoy, Opposite Sexes Can't Be Best Friends (Lemon)

Tomorrow will be the day you were going home from your Sixth year at school. Everything together, this year has been a mess. And believe it or not your best friend has been the cause of it all.

You looked out of the window and stared down the fields slightly illuminated by the light of the full moon. And you whispered into the night. "Damn it Draco, why didn't you tell me earlier what your mission was. I could have helped you get through it. Now you're gone and I'm not sure when I'll see you again."

That night you fell asleep feeling sorry for and being mad at the platinum haired boy named Draco who was supposed to be your best friend. He's been ever since you were little and even when you got into Gryffindor and he got into Slytherin like expected you both stayed true to your friendship.

The next morning as you stepped onto the train on your way back you looked for an empty compartment, you weren't in the mood for company. But some First Years didn't get the hint when you sat with your legs crossed at the ankles on the whole seat. They asked if they could sit with you because everywhere else was full but you just ignored them and together they sat on the seat across from you.

One of the girls kept staring at you. At some point you'd had enough of it. "Take a picture it lasts longer." She looked down at her hands on her lap. "I'm sorry, but aren't you the Gryffindor girl who's befriended with the Malfoy boy?" You glared at her from the corner of your eye. "Yes, so what?" She went into defensive mode. "Nothing, just.... Never mind, nothing." She sighed and slumped further into the seat.

As the train ride came to an end and you stepped out with all your luggage you saw your dad waiting for you. He hugged you and kissed your hair. "Hey baby girl." You faced him and gave him the best impression of a smile you could muster. "Hey daddy. Where's mom?" He kept his arm around your shoulders on your way home. "She's at home, she said something about a surprise for you. But you didn't hear that from me, remember?" You nodded. "I understand dad."

But when you entered the house everything was dark. "Mom? Where are you?" Nothing. "Moom?" You repeated a bit harder than before. You made your way through the kitchen to the back door. In the garden there she stood. You sighed in relief. "There you are." That's when you noticed she was talking to Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. Which was odd because they never paid a visit to your place before. It was always you going to the Malfoy Mansion. "O hello Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy." They nodded to you. "Hello Y/N."

Suddenly you felt someone place their hand on your shoulder. And it wasn't the usual comforting grip and warmth from your father's hand. No this one felt softer and colder but yet warmed you more than anything in the universe could. "Draco?" He laughed his signature laugh you grew so fond of. "Yes." You turned around as fast as you could and hugged him tight. "I thought I'd never see you again." For a second you took in the sweet scent from his shirt. But then you let go of him and punched him hard on his shoulder. "Don't you dare ever do that to me again. I thought we were friends!"

He grabbed both your hands to keep you from hitting him again and his touch got you a little weak on the knees. He stepped closer to you and looked deep into your eyes. "Listen Y/N, please hear me out. We were friends, we are. And I know it was wrong to keep something like that from you. But. It was for your own safety." You huffed. "That's the most hackneyed, meaningless and stupidest thing you ever said to me."

Both our parents stepped closer to us and Lucius Malfoy was the first to speak to me again. "No, it's true. If The Dark Lord had found out about you knowing all about Draco's mission he would done everything he could to keep you silent." You turned back to Draco. "Meaning?..." You felt his grip on your hands loosen. "I don't want to think about it, the thoughts alone are horrifying." You noticed a hint of sadness in his eyes as if he was picturing what would happen. After pulling one hand away from his grip you placed it on his cheek. "But everything is fine now." Draco shook his head. "No far from it. This was only just the beginning."

Narcissa went to stand behind her beloved son. "Draco couldn't leave you without telling you. He didn't want to leave you there at Hogwarts after his job was done but he had to. He came to apologize and together we came to warn you."

Draco grabbed your face with both his cold hands on your cheeks. "You cannot go back to Hogwarts after the summer. It won't be safe. Stay here where your parents can protect you and where I can visit you at any given time. Please do this and stay safe for me?" You got lost in the thousand emotions written in his eyes. But the most vivid one was honesty. You knew he was speaking the truth and he did want you to be safe. You just nodded under his touch because you weren't able to find the right words yet. That's the impact his gaze has on you. "I will Draco. I'll do anything you want me to do." His concerned smile turned into a smirk. "Anything?"

You smiled at him and reassured him. "Anything." He grabbed one of your hands again and placed your other hand on his shoulder before placing his free hand on your waist. "Good, dance with me." You blushed. Dancing? What was he thinking? He knows you're a terrible dancer. He noticed you hesitating and lifted you a little to place you on his feet.

All of a sudden the world around you didn't matter. You completely forgot that your parents and his were somewhere close, probably within a three yard radius. But you didn't care. You pressed yourself to Draco's chest and you could feel his heartbeat. It was fast but in perfect synch with yours. He waltzed around with you on the rhythm of your heartbeat. Why he wanted to dance with you like this all of a sudden was still a mystery to you, but for now you just wanted to enjoy the moment.

At first his breath fanned your face but later on he turned his face and his breath left a tingling feeling on your exposed neck. His lips trailed down your cheek to your ear and he whispered. "You know we're all alone now, right. Try to relax a little." You opened your eyes and looked around your garden that was indeed empty except for the two of you. "But Draco we're friends. We're not supposed to do things like this." His lips hadn't moved away from ear. "Hmm I guess it's true what they say then." You closed your eyes to keep your hormones and emotions under control. "What do they say?"

"Opposite sexes can't be best friends." With that placed a soft kiss under your ear. "They always end up wanting more." You couldn't hold it in much longer and soft moan escaped your lips as he placed more kisses on your neck. "I guess you're right.


There you go, I hope enjoyed it.
I know I told you I would see what I could do a month ago but I was really busy with all kinds of stuff, I'm sorry.

Let me know what you thought of what I made for you. :)

[[picture and song still needs to be added in]]

I personally like how it turned out. Next up I'll probably write another one about Captain Hook, but with the one from Once Upon The Time. Because I mean come on, who doesn't become a "hooker" for his Irish looks. :3

For requests check the information chapter at the beginning of this book. ;)

That's it for now and hope I talk to you again next time.

Beebee out :)

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