𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭? 𝐏𝐓𝟐

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Sarah dragged me away from the crowd. Away from Rafe. Kissing him set off fireworks in my heart and butterflys in my stomach. It was like an event that was meant to happen in my life and I'm glad it did . Sarah on the other hand, she didn't seem to like it. I had just made out with my best friends ridiculously hot brother and I don't know how she feels towards me or Rafe. She didn't say anything she just dragged me and pushed through the crowd. We climbed up the stairs and had made It to a very familiar room. Sarah's room.

Sarah loosened her grip and plopped her self on the bed. As if she was tired which was understandable. We sat in this comfortable yet eerie silence as if we were waiting for something to happen or atleast someone to say something. "So we're you gonna tell me or?" Sarah signed out, finally breaking the silence. "Well making out with your brother wasnt exactly on my bucket list sarah" I confessed as I tried to get chuckle out of it.

"You're not answering my question" Sarah demanded this time sounding a bit annoyed. "Well yea of course you're my best friend" I replied with. "Last time I checked, best friends don't make out with each other's brothers " Sarah hissed. "Okay can you like stop acting like a little kid and let me explain my self" I had finally snapped. "Explain what? how you were on the verge of fucking my brother!?" Sarah yelled.

"Stop okay you wasn't there to fully know what was going on so shut the fuck up and stop saying stupid shit like that. You don't understand!" I pleaded trying to end this fight before it escalated. "No no you don't understand do you? I'm trying to look out for you! Im trying to protect you! Rafe is a bad person okay? He will fuck you one day and ghost you the next! He treats people like shit and girls like objects you need stay away from him!" Sarah shouted. "If your trying to look out for me why the fuck are you yelling!? That was the first thing you did just yell!" I replied back.

"You've got a lot of nerve talking to me like that since you're in the wrong here" Sarah snapped back. "You know what I don't even want to talk to you at all. Acting like a little bitch" I yelled back. "I'd rather act like a little bitch than be a fucking whore!" Sarah shouted. "Fuck you okay you dont know shit !" I shouted back. "What I do know is that my so called best friend is a slut who goes around kissing peoples brothers!" Sarah yelled.

"What the fuck is wrong with you. Your calling me a slut but last time I checked you cheated on topper with John b so many times I've lost count. Your the definition of a fucking slut Sarah. Fuck you!" I yelled as I stormed of and slammed the door on my way out. I was pissed and so mad like she didn't even give me enough time to explain my self. I am not a whore.

The party was still alive but not as much as it was before. There was only a few people now which made it easier for to walk through the long halls. I was stressed and uncomfortable I just needed to myself a room so I could just calm down. I walked down to the nearest room that was away from the party. I opened the door not caring who was inside or who's room it was. I sighed as I went in. It was an empty room which was surprisingly really tidy. I plopped my self on the bed which was so soft. I swear I could've fallen asleep there and then. My blood was still pumping and my head was pounding I needed to calm down. I pulled out a joint that was pre-rolled. I called this my jelly joint as this type made me feel woozy and jelly like it was my favourite thing to do in order to calm myself down.

Hit after hit, my body became less tense. This was what I needed. I stopped thinking about Sarah and our argument and I was finally at peace. The party seemed to have quietened down and it mostly sounded like people were leaving. I was almost finished with my quick sesh but I was interrupted by the door swinging open. On the door frame stood a tall masculine figure. A very attractive one as well. "hey are you good?" I remembered that voice. It was the same one that whispered my name in my ear whilst some make out sesh. I was too high to remember names but all I could remember was that he was fine and I WOULD do it again. "no I hate everyone" I slurred out.

"You don't hate me do you? I mean that wouldn't make that much sense since you seemed to enjoy our make out." The familiar voice said. I tried to stand up but my legs felt like jelly. "Come here" I whined and the muscular figure did as he was told. He made his way towards me, and now leaned in the bed frame. "Fuck your beautiful" I confessed as I looked at him in the eyes. It was Rafe. "I could say the same about you baby" he whispered. "Stopp now I want to make out with you again" I moaned as I now started to remember me and Sarah argument. "I mainly came up here to see what all the shouting was about but another make out wont hurt " Rafe shrugged. "Ugh don't remind me" I moaned as I laid down on the bed. "You wanna talk about it?" Rafe asked and it sounded like there was a little tone of concern. "Sure"

Rafe was now laid on his side just facing me. He was concentrated on my face just watching me say every word just taking it all in. "And then she said that your a bad person and you treated girls like objects" i added whilst I tilted my head to see his response. His face shifted to a more annoyed but sad emotion as if he had been let down. "What else did she say?" Rafe asked you could tell he was a little hurt. "She said you fuck girls one day and you ghost them the next...she made it out that your a really bad person. I wonder how many people she's told that too" I confessed. Rafes eyes seemed to have lost that bit of light in them. They became dull. I sat up close to him and cupped his face softly.

"When I look at you, I don't think that about you Rafe . When I look at you all I feel is just warm and relaxed around you. Your presence puts me at ease and comfort I just love having you around. I feel so much safer when your here like I always have this protection around me." I replied. "Your just saying that" Rafe sighed. "I mean it Rafe, your someone I would class as special in my life. You can appear as a dick at first but deep down your a loving person with a personality I adore. That just proves that anyone who says this stuff about you dosnt properly know you like I do." I  saw a smile appear on rafes face but it wasn't a sly smile , it was smile that had been forgotten for a while. A loving smile. "Come here" I whispered as i grabbed him and pulled him closer to me. His head laid on my chest and iut legs were intertwined. I felt this warm sensation around us. "I needed this" I confessed. "Me too love"


☆𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬☆Where stories live. Discover now