Chapter 40

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~ 40 ~

As Manik slowly broke the hug, Nandini felt the cold air rush towards her, contrasting sharply with the warmth that had enveloped her while in his arms. Manik's embrace had been comforting, almost like hugging a teddy bear—warm, cozy, and inviting. His body had felt spongy and strong, a solid mass she could press against. Though she didn't voice these thoughts, her expression betrayed her feelings. Her face turned red, and she found it difficult to meet his gaze.

Manik called her name softly, prompting her to look up and lock eyes with him. She waited, her heart pounding, as he seemed to gather his thoughts. Clearing his throat, he noticed her blushing and couldn't help but smile. Biting his lower lip, he grinned, clearly pleased to see her so flustered. He seemed to relish the sight of her blushing, as if it was something he looked forward to.

Clearing his throat again, Manik began, "Nandini, I need to tell you something. Please don't take this the wrong way, and don't run away. Hear me out carefully, okay? I don't want you to misunderstand. I'm trying to be truthful, so I need you to listen until I finish. Don't interrupt me, just hear my perspective clearly."

Nandini nodded solemnly, assuring Manik that she wouldn't interrupt and was fully attentive to what he had to say. Her fear had somewhat subsided knowing Manik was aware of the situation, but his current demeanor still unnerved her. She sensed he was about to reveal something that would add another layer of complexity and danger to her life.

Manik began cautiously, urging Nandini to distance herself from Aryaman. He acknowledged his own past mistreatment of her but emphasized that his warning stemmed from Aryaman's true character, not business rivalry. "He's not a good guy, Nandini," Manik asserted earnestly. "Please understand, I'm not saying this to scare you but to protect you. He can be more dangerous than I was, and you need to stay away from him."

Nandini nodded again, her agreement clear. She had no desire to maintain any connection with Aryaman after his recent unsettling behavior.

Manik continued, shifting his tone to one of concern and sincerity. "Nandini, you're not just an employee to me. You're one of the best employees I have, and I want you to know I'm here for you. Please don't keep anything inside. Tell me if you're in trouble or if something's bothering you. I may get upset, but it's better to talk about it. Remember, if you hadn't told me before, we wouldn't have resolved things the way we did. So, please, don't hesitate."

Nandini listened intently, a small smile forming on her face as she sensed Manik's genuine care and concern. His words reassured her that she could trust him with her safety and well-being.

Manik then delved deeper into Aryaman's background, revealing unsettling truths about his family's involvement in illegal activities such as arms and drug trafficking. He asked Nandini pointedly if she believed these were legitimate businesses, to which she shook her head in disagreement.

"Exactly," Manik affirmed. "Aryaman is not just a businessman. He's involved in much darker things. He's... he's a mafia leader."

Nandini froze, her eyes widening in disbelief and fear. She struggled to comprehend the gravity of what Manik had just disclosed. How did Manik know this? She pondered whether Manik himself was involved in similar activities, given his knowledge and authority. She gathered her courage to voice her thoughts, asking hesitantly, "Manik... are you also a part of the mafia? Are you a leader too?"

Manik met her gaze, his expression unreadable as he remained silent, causing Nandini's apprehension to grow. She desperately awaited his response, hoping for clarity amidst the confusion and uncertainty swirling around her.

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