Chpt 3 - Gojiran vs The Monster King

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   Gojiran struck Godzilla in the collarbone, before kneeling him in the gut, the latter clawed at her, the prior curving back to only be graced by his claws, which still drew blood. She stepped back to assess her results and failed to notice Godzilla had spun with his swipe, and was leaning forward, and she was blindsided by a powerful swing of his tail hitting her in the face. Gojiran was knocked to the ground, she attempted to catch herself but failed, she looked up, and had to roll out of Godzilla's tail as she attempted to crash it against her head. The latter turned to face her and was surprised when the first thing his eyes laid on was the bottom of Gojiran's foot, as she came at him with a flying kick. Godzilla's snout scrunched in as she hit him, and his body was pushed back, but his tail kept him upright. His head turned with the kick, and Gojiran landed beside him. Swiftly, she turned on her heel to him, and uppercut him in the jaw, and then the neck. Godzilla growled, before grabbing and lifting her, then Gojiran was thrown against a building. He shoulder-shoved her through the rest of the way, destroying it. She fell on her back, and pulled her legs to her chest, before kicking Godzilla in the gut, which he then grabbed her by, unaffected by the kick.
   Once again, she was raised, now by her legs, before she crashed against the ground. Godzilla hoisted her in the air, and once again beat her against the ground like a bear with a large steak. Gojiran clawed at the ground, hoping to hold onto something, but wasn't getting anything but rubble in her hands. Godzilla smashed her against the ground, his claws sinking into her skin and flesh, as blood trickled down her legs. Gojiran clenched back a scream before her dorsal plates glowed a frightful blue, she looked over her shoulder at Godzilla and wrapped her tail around his neck before firing her Atomic breath at the caught-off-guard Monster King.
The Blue beam enveloped his head, and a surprised snort came from him as he was momentarily blinded by it, he let go of Gojiran and stepped back. She pressed the beam still on him as she got to her feet, even adding more power to it as she forced Godzilla back, it wasn't until she couldn't continue to maintain the full power of her breath that she stopped, and her result shocked her. Godzilla was completely fine - not a scratch on him - and seemed even stronger. Gojiran took a fighting stance Shaolin Fighting Stance, being nervous, Godzilla growled before charging for a quick uppercut, only to be dodged. He went again, trying to combo her with punches and claw swipes, but she persistently evaded them narrowly, some grazing her. She soon was hit in the side with a punch, and then Godzilla's claws slashed her under her breasts, she clenched back a scream and elbowed Godzilla in the collarbone, the blow having no effect as she then felt his two fists smash against the back of her head, flooring her.
   Gojiran grunted and caught herself on her hands, trying to push up, only to be kicked in the ribs and be sent soaring in the air. She rolled, grunting with each bump on her spiral. When she finally stopped, she lowered her arms from her face, and got up, huffing.
Damn. This thing is tough. I laid into him, and yet he didn't even seem affected. Gojiran thought, catching her breath, but was undeterred. She learned something, though, her atomic breath only seemed to charge him, which was a pity considering that was her strongest attack, but either way, she'd adapt.
   Godzilla pounced again, Gojiran military rolled away, and the prior landed on his feet. Right as he was turning to the latter, he was hit in the center of his mass on his side and was knocked to the ground. Gojiran tried to nail a punch at Godzilla's face, but he got up and whipped her in the back with his tail. She didn't fall, but she was stunned, and Godzilla took the chance to blast her with his Atomic Breath, which knocked her off her feet and sent her rolling through the city like a ball down the hill until she was caught on a building and engulfed in an explosion. Godzilla growled, not wanting to admit victory too late, as he wanted to know if Gojiran was alive or not.
   His answer came in the form of her leaping out at him, low to the ground, and going for a broad haymaker which crashed into his gut. Slowly, it imploded around her fist as she plunged it into him, Godzilla was surprised and felt himself slipping off his feet before the pain of the force surged through his body like a bullet. Spittle and bile came up his throat and out his mouth as he curled around her arm, the world going in slow motion as the pain overloaded his brain, and in the next moment, he was knocked onto his back, rolled onto his head, and crashed onto his stomach, before curling up and screeching in pain as he clutched the bruise left from the punch. Gojiran had never felt so strong before, taking Godzilla's atomic breath was like being injected with 1,000,000 adrenaline shots all at once, but her body hurt shortly after having put all of it into that one punch. Godzilla got up, shaking and seething in rage from the blow. He roared, and Gojiran sighed in defeat. He seemed impacted by the punch, but all she could see she'd done was bruise him, which was gone shortly after, otherwise, he was open to going a few more rounds. He ran forward, his claws ready to slice open her throat. Gojiran attempted to leap back, but she wasn't going to get out of reach, but at the last second she was saved by a beam of light hitting Godzilla, and sending him into a building that failed to support his weight and collapsed. She was initially puzzled, but then looked up and saw the wings of a moth attached to a small woman.

   "Took you long enough, Mothra. Had enough of sensing me getting my ass whooped?" Gojiran was pleased to see Mothra, but she was a little annoyed as she said "Your timing is impeccable, though."
   The latter bowed to the prior before she said to Gojiran "Sorry to be so late. I was meditating as usual, when I sensed its presence." both turned to Godzilla, who grumbled as he got up and shook himself off, before glaring at the two with a scowl. "It is quite strong, huh?"
   "Yeah, nearly killed me before you showed up." Gojiran took her fighting stance again "Its got the same move set as me, and its own Atomic Breath is way stronger than mine, so be careful." She put on a tough face once Godzilla was on his feet sizing them up, his tail thrashing agitated.
   "I don't plan to fight it. I merely came to cease this violence."
   Mothra looked at Gojiran as she wrapped her wings around herself like a cloak, before explaining "Many years ago I saw this creature arrive in a vision. I foresaw it could become a great ally, but it wouldn't trust us if we fought it."
   "So what do you want me to let it do? Run around and destroy shit?!" Godzilla stomped one foot closer, Gojiran growled as she became nervous about this thing coming at them both.
   "No, of course not. I'd much rather try and bring it back home." Mothra made a small smile at Gojiran, who was confused before she said, quite loudly "Hell no! Who knows what harm it could cause there?" She immediately faced Godzilla again as he stomped closer, he was going slowly, the punch still taking a toll on him.
   "Just give me a try," Mothra said, gently placing her soft hands on the rough exterior of Gojiran's skin. The latter Kaiju Girl froze up, before meeting Mothra's pupilless eyes and sighing in defeat.
   "Fine. It makes one funny expression at you, and I'm going for a round 2 with it." Gojiran eased up but wasn't about to let her guard down, Mothra mouthed the words "Thank you." before she cautiously walked up to Godzilla, already a bad sign on her aquaintent's side.

The Monster King's focus changed on Mothra, he growled defensively, but looking into her eyes, he began to soften up. Soon, she was standing before him, not even reaching his collarbone in height. He stood up straight, and his breathing became slower. Mothra reached her hands to Godzilla's face, he growled and backed up a bit, but when she went on her tippy toes, he allowed her to touch him. He growled and snarled at her, but Mothra could tell he was only doing it to keep face. She massaged his rugged and touched cheeks, feeling their scales, before she saw his little elf ears, reached up further, and began gently rubbing them. Godzilla growled louder, but he began stopping, made a groan, and leaned into her touch. Gojiran was stunned, and Mothra made a satisfied chuckle. "Oh, such a grumpy boy." She spoke softly, Godzilla still enjoying the rubs on his ears, even pressing his head up to her chest.
   "What the fuck?!" Gojiran blurred out, Godzilla looked over and growled, before immediately going back to a softie as Mothra rubbed his left ear, making him tilt into it.
   "Guess it likes affection," Mothra said, before scratching Godzilla's chin, and saying in a baby voice "Don't you?" Gojiran was stunned, before rubbing the bridge of her nose, then pointing at Mothra "It is sleeping with you."

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