Chpt 4 - The Aliens came

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   Godzilla was less than willing to follow. As much as he'd enjoyed Mothra's touch, he hadn't immediately come to be a dog that followed orders without a second thought, plus the tenderness between Gojiran and him. Both would glare at each other with each glance, almost testing to see who'd first cross the other's line and get into another fight. Mothra attempted repeatedly to try and ease the tension, to no avail. She tried coaxing Godzilla to follow, but he was immovable, even with the temptation of more scratches under the chin.
   She sighed, defeated, unsure how to go about this. She wanted Godzilla to come willingly, but he was being extremely difficult about it. She looked over at Gojiran for some assistance, but as soon as she cracked her knuckles, Mothra sighed and looked at Godzilla, who already was growling at the Queen of Kaiju girls over her shoulder.
"Alright. I can see, great Beast, that you're not very trusting of us. That is fine. We won't force you to follow us, but could you at least leave this city and its nuclear reactors alone?" Mothra asked Godzilla, looking into his eyes.
He growled and looked away, contemplating her words, and while he wouldn't get any benefit in leaving Canada, he'd also grown a liking for this one. The other one he wanted to eradicate, just by how similar she was to him. A scowl was shared mutually between them before he walked past Mothra, seemingly over to Gojiran, but went past her too. The latter honestly thought he was coming over to intimidate her, but he didn't bat an eye afterward. She turned around, and Godzilla was walking back to the ocean, sharing a glance back at the duo before roaring in victory again as he went into the sea.

"Calm down, Gojiran, it doesn't know better," Mothtra said, holding her partner back as she waved a fist angrily in Godzilla's direction.
"Come on, Mothra, let me at it and I'll teach the beast to roll over real quick!" If her desire to keep up her pride was not apparent, now it was more evident than ever. Mothra had an embarrassed smile on her face, seemed to her she was the only one who could chill.

Godzilla was directionless now. He fed, but prominently afterward he spent all that energy and had it be used against him. Thoughts on the current situation bubbled, he was in an alien world, a different reality, where Kaiju were women who looked like cosplayers.
He didn't know what those were, but it didn't quite matter.
Godzilla's mind then went back to his old reality, while there wasn't much for him to even think and care about, one individual came to the forefront immediately. Minilla. His son was still in that world, alone forever now. Godzilla had no way of reaching him, and that was likewise. He feared what the humans would do to the boy or even other kaiju. He was weak, unskilled, and idiotic. He worried every day, one day when he did die the Earth would go to shit if Minilla became its new ruler if he didn't start straightening his act. Godzilla groaned in pain at the idea of Minilla running over to confront a Kaiju and then being beaten to the ground before a whimper came from Godzilla.
As tough as he was on the boy, there was a soft spot in Godzilla's heart for him too.
   Before he could dwell on it too long, a buzz was heard in the air, and a shadow flew overhead. He looked around, but the sun blurred anything he could see, though he saw something using that advantage and attacking him in an ambush. A thin red laser struck him in the chest, burning a bit of skin, before following this up was a dropkick to his chin, forcing him deeper. That wasn't a problem, he loved being in the deep sea, but he somehow felt at a disadvantage. He ducked under a swipe of a large blade and was graced in the neck by another, he tried swimming away from his swift assailant but was latched onto my anchors wrapping around his neck, that's when he heard her cackling.

   "Hehe, when I was sent here to detain you after your showdown, I was hoping for a bit of a fight

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   "Hehe, when I was sent here to detain you after your showdown, I was hoping for a bit of a fight.~ Yet you run from the greatest Huntress of the cosmos; Gigan!~" She proclaimed, sharpening her blades on each other. Godzilla was... confused. He didn't quite get the hype of who she was or even know her for that matter (Remember, this is a FinalGoji who didn't experience the events of Final Wars so he never met Gigan) but all he did now recognize was what he recognized with Gojiran; Hate, and annoyance. The feeling though was greater, since she'd called him a coward, so to defend his pride he charged right for her. Gigan grinned like a Cheshire Cat, and puffed out her stomach, while the whirling of a saw turning on was heard in the water; her stomach saw bubbling the water it rotated in. Godzilla didn't stop his charge, facing it head-on and roaring with the same defiance when he was faced with the Dimension Tide and crashed into Gigan. The wind was knocked out of her, but even as his claws dug into her back, she seemed flustered.
   His flesh was devoured by the teeth of the saw as it cut into his shoulder, churning the water red with his boiling and nuclear-rich blood. Gigan kneed the behemoth off her, before cutting him across the chest with both blades in an X, making him snarl in pain. He charged his atomic breath and hit her in the center mass, and while Gigan seemed unsurprised, she made no effort to dodge or block it as it struck her center mass. She was pushed deeper into the water, and while any other creature but him and Gojiran getting hit would scream, she actually seemed... disappointed. When Godzilla ceased fire, Gigan touched her burn, before grumbling in disappointment.
   "Nothing," She simply muttered, feeling no physical pain. She looked up at Godzilla, before bolting up at him and kicking him in the chin with her metal boot, throwing his head back. The King of the Monsters felt he'd bitten his tongue, the small piece of lost flesh floated in the water as his mouth was filled with the stinging pain and taste of iron. He growled and hit Gigan with a headbutt, making her recoil, but she replied with another headbutt until the two were bashing each other's skulls together; the latter grinning madly, while the prior snarled. When the water was filled with both their blood, Godzilla was the first to throw her off him to recover. He felt the bone of his skull faintly and growled as he saw Gigan was just as damaged, but eager to continue. He realized something then and there; this bitch couldn't feel pain, she couldn't feel many things. She couldn't feel whatever she touched and touched her, she couldn't even feel how much strength she applied in something as simple as holding something; leading to her accidentally breaking stuff. It was then, that the king felt true fear for the first time. Never had he faced an opponent with no sense of touch or risk of damage, this was especially amplified by the large scar on Gigan's forehead filling up with a metallic substance, and then healing as if it never happened.

   The Cosmic Huntress, still grinning ear to ear with her pointed teeth, opened her arms as if to await a hug from Godzilla, and said, cocky with a bit of a sultry undertone "Care to try again?~"

Sorry for the long ass update, but Wattpad had been giving me some problems, and I now just fixed them. So, updates should get back on track for all kinds of stories.

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