Chpt 2 - The Arrival of the King

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   Godzilla couldn't see anything. He couldn't feel anything, smell anything, there was nothing. He alone existed among nothing else before he finally saw a light, and he was hurdling right toward it before he fell out of a White hole, and into the Arctic.
He roared in surprise, before crashing head-first into the tundra. He got up, shook himself of ice, and looked around. Besides the crater made by the Gotengo being gone, nothing else about the Arctic seemed different. It was Day now, but that didn't matter. He growled and looked over the slopes and through the whistling winds for the down Gotengo, but didn't find it or even a trace.
He looked up at where he'd come from, and the Whitehole that dropped him off there was long gone, leaving Godzilla stuck here, but alive.
The humans had failed yet again to subdue him.
   Godzilla roared to the heavens, triumphant still. His call echoed far and wide, eventually reaching the ears of a few, that should've best stayed mute to his arrival.
   Once he announced his victory, he began to walk to the sea and planned to swim to the nearest nuclear reactor, as a victory snack. He was hampering for one anyway, being in absolute nothingness even for a moment felt like an eternity to the mind.

   On a large island, off the coast of Japan, in a hut was the Queen of the Monsters, Gojiran.

Art by TheWatcherofWorlds   She was simply lying down, having a light nap from her usual work-intensive day, her tail gently swishing as she lay in her hammock

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Art by TheWatcherofWorlds
She was simply lying down, having a light nap from her usual work-intensive day, her tail gently swishing as she lay in her hammock. Then, she heard the echoing roar of Godzilla, and her eyes shot open.
She could only recognize that call as one thing; a challenge. It was also eerily similar to her roar, but more monstrous.

In the cosmos, overlooking the Earth in a mothership, more tentative ears had already noticed Godzilla's presence.
Marching to a throne room, in heavy metal armor, with two massive clawed metal hands was Orga.
Her body was grey, her eyes yellow and reptilian, but pupilless, but still seemingly gazing at an unseen horror. She was bald, her veins were bulged, and she was frighteningly strong physically, but wasn't very flexible.
When arriving at the throne room of her leader, on instinct she bowed.
"My liege, I-"
"I'm already well aware, Orga." An accent similar to a subtle British one voiced her reply. "I heard its roar, and I can sense his power."
"Its?" Orga said, now looking up, but remaining on a knee.
"Yes. Its power is very similar to Gojiran's. I'd say even stronger."
"Would it be greater?"
"Hard to gauge it. But, its already made the call of dominance. She'll not be happy about it. Send some observation drones to study this thing and her whenever they get into combat." the throne turned around to face Orga. Eyes resembling black holes surrounded by light glowed through the dark and looked at Orga. "I want to see just how well this other-worlder truly is."
Orga nodded and stood before walking away to set up the drones.

Godzilla finally made it to a country with nuclear power, that being Canada. It seemed they had expected his arrival, and had tanks and other weaponry ready to engage him, but once laying eyes on him they hesitated.
They were confused, stunned, and terrified. Never had they seen anything like him.
What was their usual, run-of-the-mill kaiju attack was by Kaiju Girls, who looked mostly human. This was a straight monster standing before them, not before seen.
Godzilla on the other hand, was all too familiar with tanks, and their special Anti-kaiju weaponry, and wasn't so hesitant to get them out of the way with a quick beam spam. Once the coast was cleared, he walked on land and was engaged. They desperately fired at him, even if they knew they weren't going to hurt him. What was most shocking of all, was that he wasn't even being affected, he was eating the explosions to the face and didn't stop a moment to figure out what had happened, he just pushed through. The military was either ignored or blasted to pieces by his atomic breath. Some poor souls were crushed under his foot or had a building shoved onto them. Ultimately, Canada decided it would be beneficial to rather sit this rampage out, instead of losing many lives unnecessarily.
After their surrender, Godzilla was allowed to move freely through the city to the nuclear reactor he had sensed. He walked nonchalantly through buildings, shoving any aside if they got in his way, and through the streets in a B line for it, soon seeing the chimney of the Nuclear plant. The Canadian government noticed, and contemplated reasserting their firepower on Godzilla or not. Evacuations were still happening in some areas, and all they needed to do was buy a little more time.
They fired a Maser cannon at Godzilla's ear, hitting him in the back of it, and getting him to look over. He retorted by firing his atomic breath back, only managing to destroy the building it was hiding behind, but that was enough to deter it. He turned back to the Nuclear Power plant, only to have his chest and neck lit up by missiles and tank fire, none of which damaged him, but it did distract him. He growled, and swept his tail through the air, taking out multiple Jets, before they flew out of range, he turned toward the tanks and took out the row of them with an atomic breath. He felt the Jets fire at him again, and he whipped his tail up, taking out a few, before they flew out in front of them, and he quickly took out a swarm of them with his atomic breath.
He was getting annoyed and began stomping to the Nuclear reactor, his ears open to the sound of tank treadmills rolling over to peer around buildings like cowards and fire at him, jet engines roaring as they drew close, and whenever he pinpointed their locations, he'd fire at them immediately before they could react.
Once at his goal, he began breaking down the chimney, and the floor to rip out the reactor. He lifted it, not caring about anything else, and held it in his hands. Immediately, he began absorbing its contents. His dorsal plates sparkled blue, as he became relaxed. In no time at all, it was empty of radiation; not a single bit was left, and he dropped it. A satisfied growl came from Godzilla, but he heard something; something large running toward him.
His ear flicked, and he ominously turned around to face his approaching challenger but was as stunned as her when they met eye-to-eye.

Gojiran was confused, she looked Godzilla up and down, and he was unlike anything she was familiar with. Even the aliens at least had some resemblance to other Kaiju Girls. This was something completely new.
Godzilla was just as shocked. Gojiran's radiation levels were relative to his, yet she looked human, save for a few distinguishments. Both were out of their element with each other, but they both shared one trait, and that was recognizing a challenger.

"So, you're the one who made that roar I presume. I must say, you're unlike anything I've ever seen before or could imagine past myths. You're a true, flesh & blood monster." Gojiran said, analyzing him, Godzilla was indeed more in line with an animal than she was, but she could see he had some intelligence.
Godzilla only rumbled, bearing his teeth at her as his hands were wide open, ready for any move she may make. His tail swished, almost like a cat, and he hunched himself a bit.
   Gojiran was a bit shorter than Godzilla, by a few inches to them, but the latter was a bit bulkier.
Both rulers of their universe were locked in eye contact; a stare down to see who'd give in first and submit, but neither even moved. For seemingly an hour to them, they stared each other down. The world grew tense from this, the Canadian government, the soldiers in the area, and anyone seeing this.

   Gojiran roared out before sprinting at Godzilla, still looking him in the eyes. The latter began coming at her too, not in a sprint, but more like a speed walk. Both parties lunged at the other, Gojiran readying a haymaker, with uncertainty it would even hurt Godzilla, while the other had his claws ready in a pounce.
   Both collided against each other, Gojiran being thrown by colliding against Godzilla, but landing her haymaker on his snout. She spun a bit in the air, and ultimately landed on her back, while Godzilla smoothly landed and slid a bit forward, before turning swiftly around at Gojiran. She swiftly jumped to her feet, and put up her fists. She saw in the corner of her vision the deep claw marks Godzilla left on her arm, but it didn't matter to her. The latter thumped his tail against the ground, and roared at her, Gojiran growled before once again both charged.

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