#1 promotion !

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I was just done with my night shift at the club near my house when my boss , actually second boss messaged me which said -

BOSS : " hey Gabrialla I hope you are doing good, I have got reviews from our clients saying you have impressed them, so meet me tomorrow at sharp 5 P.M, you know I don't like being waited on. "

Just as I saw the text I read it twice just to check if what I read was right. I jumped and my god I twisted my ankle, well nothing to worry about it just hurts. I got too excited because I live alone here in california though I was born in italy just like serena, she is my best friend with whom I have had my school days and she was the most trustworthy person I have ever had in my entire life. She was the only one I was allowed to talk to. I don't know why. At first I was homeschooled but because of Serena my parents allowed me to study in a private school with her being by my side. We have not met for the past 5 years caz I moved to California.

Well about my parents, they wanted me to marry someone from their business but I wanted to live free and so I did. and responded the message with

ME : "won't be late for sure !"


The next day I woke up with my alarm going crazy and after I woke up I remembered I had a meeting with my boss. Luckily it was 1 pm so I still had a lot of time. I quickly jumped out of my bed and brushed my teeths prepared a warm bubble bath and soak in it peacefully. After my bath it was already 2:15 pm so I dressed up in a black suit with a beige turtleneck t-shirt and a watch with a gold necklaces that mom gave me saying it was very important so I always use to wear it and black Prada leather loafers, ofc I brought my whole wardrobe from italy. After getting ready I saw a message from my boss saying-

BOSS : " 5pm , the cafe at the corner of the street "

ME : "ouk."

I scrolled my phone till it was 4:15 pm and then took my car and drove there. I was on time and waited for him in the cafe when I saw a men enter the cafe and sat at table in front of me, and FUCK he was handsome. dark brown hair, neatly ironed black suit with black shirt and a black vest with broad shoulders and lightly suntanned skin with a tattoo on his neck.


I was staring at him like he was an angel who fell straight out from heaven, and didn't realise that my mouth was open. till someone said " gabriella * swings hand * Gabriella !"

Who turned out to be my boss. I was so carried away with that Greek god that I forgot I was here for a meeting with my boss.

I said " I am so sorry Mr. Smith. I didn't notice you here how long did you wait I am so sor-"

He cut me and said " It's ok Gabriellia, you seem to act weird today is everything ok ? "

"Oohh yeah yah totally fine !" I sighed in my mind. and then we talked about my promotion. I was very happy because this will help me with money a lot and after all I am one of their best staff members.

And after our meeting was done Mr. Smith left and just as I was about to do the same after collecting papers and putting them in my bag. A broad hand blocked my way, I didnt turn back to see who it was because I could feel his heat and the masculine smell coming from him made me think of him again. I waited for an answer or a question but he stayed silent, so I began " can u please excuse me " in the most polite way. But still got no answer, so I turned to look up at him and found him glaring at me. I would be lying if i didn't say he looked so hot with his light brown eyes staring at me, but it's not a time to fall for a man Gabriella wake up you should be scared as shit.

While I was lost in my thoughts he said " why were you staring at me, with your mouth open am i so ugly?" in his deep husky voice, I started to shutter and said "I-i no, u aren't"

But got interrupted with another man so handsome he had green eyes with ginger hair, but this greek god was something else. " I am sorry uhh - " he stopped thinking what to call me. " gabriella it's Gabriella," I said as he struggled with my name.

The ginger man continued to say" sorry miss gabriella, he is just not in a good mood right now my apologies. " after him saying that greek god turned to him glaring at him in anger as almost saying wtf has gotten into you, but then he turned to me and said " don't ever stare at me again with your pretty little eyes bebita or else you won't know what will happen with you".

He just spoke a Spanish word, maybe he is from Spain. but then the ginger head introduces himself by saying " by the way I am Andrew and this is my boss Antonio, italian mafia head to be and I am his assistant". I was speechless a maf- mafiaa ?!


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