#8 mine to protect !

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Did she just fucking know about that girl !

I asked with a frown on my face " who?!"

She said shaking " me"

Jesus fucking - it does make sense. So I asked " what was the situation, why didn't you tell your father about it? if you would have fucking opened your mouth then nothing. literally fucking nothing would have happened !!" saying the last word a bit louder and clearer.

It looked like she was about to cry but she held it in and said " I was going through family trauma, I didn't even know that he was involved in illegal businesses or it would have been so important as he always told me that he had many enemies who wanted his position as the ceo of his business. I thought it might be one of the fights, so I took my chance and ran away and now am settled in California, because I wanted to avoid marriage. and about me knowing this now is because of my friend Serena. She told me the whole story."

It all made sense now that she explained it. but she left quickly and I let her. Maybe I talked too rudely but what was I supposed to do when the answer was in front of me and I didn't even know. We still have the book to find and give it to Italy. Maybe Gabriella knows about the book but it won't be right to ask her anything as she is new here. From here on this mission is going to be handled by me but I would need someone who is close to her, who can inform me about her and also keep an eye on her safety.

SERENA!!.. Yaah she is the closest to her, who will help me in this case with the clues. I rushed outside the room straight to my office, and told Andrew and guards to find serena. After some minutes someone knocked on my door, I ordered them to come in and as expected it was Serena. she looked at her feets as she entered, she was respectful not like her bestie and my bebita. but whatever Gabriella does makes me attracted to her, though she is disrespectful I won't ever let her cry because of me.

I ordered Serena to sit, as she did we talked about the meet I and Gabriella had. I told her how I got angry and she left. Ofc I won't mention the part where I felt bad for Gabriella because I am ruthless for everyone. except her, I want to be rough and cold with her too but she is making me weak. Only she can make me kneel because my insides are acting weird and telling me not to be the demon I am or else I will be the one suffering. I will have to protect her at any costs and to do that I can cross any limits.

I explained to her how she has to work with me but then she got a call, she stared at it asking me if she could pick it up or not. I agreed and the voice was of my sweet bebita, she was crying. I ordered Serena to put the phone on speaker by pointing my index finger. she did it and talked to her-

GABERIELLA : *Sobes due to crying *

SERENA : " omg gaby why are you crying? and where were you? I looked at the whole damn mansion. our guards are still looking for you, I had an important meeting so I had to leave if you feel like going home just call our guards."

Her nickname is gaby? Cute. But one thing about this girl, Serena, is that she is good at covering truths.

GABERIELLA : " Serena, I don't feel good. I met Antonio on my way and now he knows who I am, he was so rude to me like he hates me so much and if I might say something wrong the next thing I might feel is a bullet through my fucking head *cries heavy*. If you ever meet him then please don't tell him that I stared at his picture in the hallway even though he warned me not to stare at him caz if he knows about this then I will be dead for sure ."

SERENA : " gabby chill, I won't tell him anything. and now you promise me to not overthink ok? go home I will be there after some hours ok, the meeting probaby is going to last a bit longer. And don't ever cry for a man again."

GABERIELLA : " Serena, you are the best. I love you so much. Thank you for being on my side. I promise I won't cry again! "

With that she cut the call, as I whispered "cute" and smirked on her mood swings, serena glared at me as if saying what the fuck. so I pretended to ignore her anger and stared back at her correcting the word "mute, be mute as I explain what you really will have to do on this mission."

Her expression changed and she listened carefully. So I said " you are the closest to Gaberiella and because of that I want you to inform me about her, to have checked her and protect her at any cost, this is a big case. and because of this we won't be able to talk or have meetings secretly all the time. So what I want you to do is pretend to be my girlfriend."

After I said the last word her head moved up staring right into my eyes.

She said "no-no i can-"

I cut her off by saying " no one is allowed to deny me, and this act will last only till we ensure her safety. The rules are you will not be able to touch me or do anything that a normal couple does until I agree. Only I will be able to do these things. This will benefit you in 3 ways, Gabby will be more safe, Italy will get its book again, I will make your mafia clan more powerful because this alliance will make history, and if you agree I will give you 1 million just for an act of some days."

I offered her my hand and she shook it agreeing with me and said " I would be glad but if you backstab us in any order then you will have to pay, as now we have Gaberiella. and I will make sure that I will be faithful to you in this mission until your intentions are good."

I nodded and told her to go, and she did. but i stopped her by saying " and - don't tell any of this to Gabriella"

She laughed and said " you know I have skills of hiding things." then turned and left .


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