#4 porche for life <3

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"...la famiglia needs you gabby ".

I agreed with her but Omg did she say the Spanish mafia could it be him? I was too scared to even look at him and when I spoke to him, h-he made me shutter, the fuck going to fight against himm nahhh its going nuts ?!

She continued " your father is the most ruthless mafia in italy and if you will be in italy you will be safe because italy is under your fathers control, if you are thinking about the work, they do drug selling and all the illegal work, but spanish mafia is interrupting our businesses and that's why your father took a step in but instead we are in danger now."

"Today I will just leave you to handle the shocks and to comprehend the whole thing, but tomorrow morning at 6 am we will have your training ." she said.

I just replied ok and she soon went upstairs in the direction of her room. I quickly rushed to my room just after that and opened my laptop and searched about my family and Antonio's. To my shock everything was right, what serena said was right, though there was not any deep info about either of our families but it was right. I just wanted to pinch myself and get out of this dream as soon as possible but can't caz its was the fucking truth, I was being lied my whole life.

I closed my laptop and then layed on my bed like I was a dead body. I had a good sleep and woke up at 7 to my surprise Serena was in my room, I locked it so how did she come in! she was scrolling on her phone when she realised that I was awake. she said "ohh mornin girl, I was here to tell you that the food is ready meet me at the table." but she knew what I wanted to ask by staring at the lock.

"ohh about that I unlocked it with a pin. soo movie type right, don't worry I will teach you everything." she said with a smirk. yah she was proud of her pin unlocking skills. But I was really hungry so I washed my face and went downstairs to eat. The pasta ravioli with ricotta cheese was so good, it just melted in my mouth. My mom also used to make ravioli like this . After I finished my food I complimented Serena and went upstairs.

Knowing that I will have to wake up early I tried to sleep, but was not able to so decided to watch a movie instead. before I knew it was already 2 am so I decided to sleep.

The next day I woke up getting excited, took a warm bubble bath because it's relaxing, and then wore some comfortable clothes suitable for the gym. I went down stairs just to see her waiting for me. I quickly reached up to her and wished her good morning, and she wished me the same with a smile. " Go get in the car and they will drop you to your destination." I was confused, isn't she gonna come with me too as she is the one who is gonna teach me, so I began "Aren't you gonna come too." " yup I will be but in my porsche, I would have given you a ride too but boss told me to have you guarded so I will lead the way." she said.

I don't know why but she is a total baddie now. She has changed a lot from what she used to be in school days, she was an introvert. And me being an extrovert, I helped her get new friends. That's how we got close to each other.

I enjoyed my ride and finally the car stopped after 1-2 hrs, serena was also here on the destination which looked like a fucking huge mansion, just as I was thinking about the mansion, serena called my name and we both went inside. It was huge and beautiful.

She said "welcome, this is my aunt's house. Feel free to come here anytime if you visit California after this month, and so now let me tell you your schedule, everyday you will run 20 rounds around this ground, 20 side side ups, 30 burpees, and 1 min plank...let's keep the warm up this much for your first day."

I wasn't ready but still did try with the rounds. It took me a long time to complete those things, probably 3-4 hrs, caz I am not in shape and am exhausted but I was happy I was done with my exercise.

Serena began, "Today I will teach you how to block a punch and how to free yourself if someone holds your neck." she told me to punch her and when I did she held my hand in a metal grip and with yanking my hand she hit me on the leg so I lost my balance and fell. Well she was going easy on me, I can tell she was powerful by how she held my hand and pulled me.


15 day (of practice)
Serena told me that my stamina has improved a lot, my reflexes are the thing that I need to focus on, but overall I like this because it makes me feel powerful. And with that whenever I am home I sketch in my book or write about my deepest darkest secrets. Or I just listen to songs and workout at the same time, its kinda like a hobby now. I really have improved a lot, and I am so proud I still have 16 days till we go to Italy, and I will make sure I am very powerful so I can show Antonio a piece of my mind.

While I think about this I suddenly whisper "maybe to impress him-" but Serena gave me a side eye which was enough for me to stop thinking and lift up the weights .

She said " look .. gabby you can't fall in love ok. I know you, and I know that if you would ever love then you would need him to do the same, but this is mafia, it's no joke. Though I will always be with you if you need any help."

Now it's only one thing in my mind, to prove my dad wrong and to work harder and harder, caz now there is no going back.

Today we learned how to shoot with a gun, it wasn't easy at all tv shows show it very easy to use, the force of the bullet jerked me, and my aim is not good at all too. I told serena

To leave me here and she agreed as this place was practically hers and no danger here, I practised very hard to shoot at the exact point we started at 6 am, and right now it's 10:25. I was so tired when I shot one last shot which was very close between the eyebrows of the dummy but instead it went a little higher. After getting bored I packed my stuff and moved out just to get a message from serena -

SERENA : " wanna drive my porsche ?! I know it's your favourite car so I will have my body guards with you, the keys are on the table near the t.v. enjoy the ride gurl."

I was shocked she still remembered me telling her my fav car. I love her so much she is the best uhhh !

ME: " thank you so much I love you <3 ."

SERENA: " I know, and you know what we should hang out together sometimes. apart from working together. after all it's been a long time. literally 5 years and now you are 20."

ME: " yuh for sure :) ".

I yanked the keys from the table and went outside and squealed when I opened the door and sat on the site. It was so comfy that I would never want to come out of this beauty again. As I drove off, with other mens following me for security. I took the long route to my house, and hell yah it was fun because after all its porsche for life <3.


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