#5 a very important party !

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We left the cafe, and Andrew told me about the party we are organising, where every mafia family is going to join as it's a ceremony where I would be declared as the next leader. We were also inviting our rivals, which means the Italian mafia.

ME : "Call dad".

*phone ringing *

DAD : "hola hijo está todo ok ?". ( hey son is everything ok )

ME : "yah just wanted to talk about the party."

DAD: "yah what about that ?!"

ME: " Can we not call our enemy the italians ."

DAD : " You know the story, me and Lorenzo used to be good friends, and we have not forgotten the promises we made. Yes, son we are rivals now because of some misunderstanding Lorenzo had but the only witness I have of that situation is a girl, whom I don't know. She looked like she was 13- 15, it was years ago son, I think we should invite them to solve what this problem is."

ME : " what exactly happened dad, as being the next leader I should know these things, so that I can help you find her."

DAD : " it's a long story, so in short lorenzo's right hand killed one of his own member I was there but was portrayed as I was the one who killed one of his mens, and this happened because of a book, a book which has all the secrets to the mafia and its clans, this book is very important, and only lorenzo had a copy of it which was protected by that men who got killed and that's why lorenzo thinks that I was the one who tried to steal it."

ME : " so that bastard killer blamed the whole situation on you knowing that lorenzo would never doubt on his own men killing his men, its so fucked up papa, but I promise you that I will fucking find that girl who ran away, and make things better, we are calling the italian mafia."

DAD: " I know you will make our clan proud son."

After this I cut the call, and told Andrew to get the car out as we were going to the warehouse. to fucking meet rocco.

When I arrived, he was eating dirt, he was there hanging with chains and dried up blood around his body. I began, " you can go, and we will pay for your treatment."

After I said that Andrew's mouth hung open, he said " you can't just leave him". To which I replied "Italy and Spain are getting together, we can't lose power just because of some misunderstanding." I said clearly so that Rocco would know. I told my mens to take him to our private hospital so we could ensure his safety.

I told Matthew to handle others and leave him. After all, he is my best torturer. I don't know how he gets colourful ideas of torturing people till they are on the verge of death.

And after that I told Andrew to book a meeting with one interior designer so that I can prepare for the party. He nodded and quickly rushed with his tablet. After the call Andrew informed me about the meeting which was at 7 pm. After that I went inside my house, and boxed as I overthink about that girl and where she is.

I punched the bag so hard that my knuckles turned purple. fuck how am I able to think straight while I have glimpses of her in my mind, she was beauty, literally so fucking gorgeous and so innocent. I cleared my thoughts and went to take a bath after all the sweat formed due to the exercise.

After I took a bath, I got into a decent suit and wore a watch with perfume. After getting ready I cleared my schedule by completing the meeting with the interior designer. I went for a mask theme and dark decor, with curtains and candle light dinner for the guests, with everything being dark. and announced it after 20 days so that I could possibly get enough time to find her.


It's been 19th day of the mission to find her, still got no clue about her, I told andrew to check that place if it had cctv cameras or technology that we can hack and have at least some information, maybe voice, appearance etc. but he informed that this happened in italy near lorenzo's mansion, he further checked and found that there were no cameras in that particular spot. fuck how can someone be so reckless with the security.

I really wanted to take my anger out on a whore but something inside me is telling me not to, I am so fucked up right now, she is slowly consuming my mind, the way she smells, the way her hazel eyes tells the story before she even tries to speak, her smile, and plum pink lips, got me do everything just to remove her from my mind but I fail everytime. No, I can't let her consume me. The only person I loved and had emotion for was my mom and no one else.

I had to skip yesterdays workout because of the final touches so I did an extra today with 5 sets of 200 crunches, weight lifting, my hand- to -hand combat skills not perfect, though I am still very rough and have very high chances of killing someone if hand to hand, but it still needs that perfection, though my shooting skills are excellent.

Just as I was working out, Andrew called me. I picked up the call and said "What's the matter?". He informed me " Lorenzo wanted to meet you, and so this party needs to be cancelled or to be held in italy." Oh my fucking lord, I cant just cancel the meeting, because I really need the clues and only lorenzo can help with that, but even this occasion is very important to me.

" when did Lorenzo want to met, and how did you contact him ?!!!" I asked Andrew in utter disbelief, well Andrew and I have been friends since childhood, I have never been this close to anyone, not even my parents as they left for work. I know him, he is the most cunning and cold person I have met after my father. But only around our enemies.

And with that he is a great hacker no wonder if he just hacked or tracked his number down but still I needed the answers. he said that rocco told lorenzo about everything and lorenzo was more the willing to meet the leader of the spain to solve the mystery as my father has been nothing but a loyal friend to him, I agreed to meet at celebration and told andrew to give him a invitation whatever this is we will be ending it in the party and find that girl together. Andrew did his job and sent an invitation to him .

That party is a big day and I will have to prepare for the worst and best .


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