#7 the party (part 2) <3

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I saw all the guests come in one by one, but stood still when I saw her, I knew it was her, with those big pretty doe eyes. I didn't know she was so confident by the way she walked and took two glasses from my butler and gave one to her ..friend I think. The way she laughed and twirled to show off her dress to her friend was .....well damn hot.

She wore a black dress with a very big slit on the side, and the dress hugged all of her curves. showing off her beautifully sculpted figure. if she looks at me with those eyes again then I might rip her dress and probably make her naked in my bed with her legs spread for me to devour her. I don't know why, a girl has never attracted me but she was different.

I tried to ignore her and continue talking to my guests as I don't want her to get spoiled by my attention, caz it's something to earn. I fixed my suit and then walked past her ignoring her straight to the stage.

I gave my speech having glimpses of her while I gave my speech, but when I completed it. everyone held their glasses showing their happiness. She was the only one who didn't do it. I was surprised by her actions. She sure has the guts. After the speech I saw her walking away, in the direction of the hallway, I suppose.

I chased her and held her wrist while she was still walking. due to my actions she jerked back a bit, which gave me a chance to hold her by her waist as she drew closer, our lips almost touched as I asked her to remove her mask, because I still need to be very sure of it. but just as she heard my voice she struggled with her voice, giving me a complete assurance that it was her.

"knew this was my baby girl." I said teasing her with a smirk.

She blushed hard and broke eye contact. but decided to lie when I asked her what she was doing here. Well now she has to pay. I have had enough of her staring at me, and now her showing me this attitude nah it aint gonna work on me. I picked her up like a baby because she fought the entire time I held her wrist, too annoying. Now, let's see if she fights back or hands herself to me.

We went inside my room with her being so quiet. I put her on bed, and as I did it she quickly crawled back till she was away from me. trust me she looked even more beautiful when scared but slowly her breath got unsteady. I tried to console her and said " don't worry baby girl I won't harm you, I just need answers and that's it, after that you can go." she seems new to these things, maybe she was right about her identity.

"ok, so first question , who are you ?" She didn't hesitate and said as her life depended on it " I am the daughter of Lorenzo Ricci. Also the mafia princess of italy. As my father's health is not good, I replaced him. It happened so quickly that I didn't even know what my parents did for a living until a month ago. Right now I am under the observations of my bestie Serena. I am here with her. I didn't lie." she said, sobbing and whipping her tears. I think she is telling the truth because I have heard Lorenzo had a daughter who left him.

But why did she leave him? She replied "my father wants me to marry someone so he could have someone more worthy take control over our mafia. He thought of me as a pathetic, useless daughter who won't be able to handle a mafia gang. caz after all we are made to have kids and too do household things" she said smiling with more tears and continued "that's why I don't want any fucking boy rule over me. I have a chance and I will prove to my parents that I can be more than just someone's whore, I will make history." and I will help her make that happen, she won't be someone's slave she will rule over the fucking world, even if its me. she will have the power that she deserves.

She looked at me and said "so we were going to have a meeting right? Should we continue." she said.

That's my girl, I agreed and told her to sit on the table while I came with papers. After some minutes I saw her on the couch with her tying her hair up, everything she does is sexy.

I sat in front of her and we started as I explained to her the whole situation "my dad and your dad were friends since childhood, until one of your mens killed one of his own. For a book, that book is very important for your family and for us. Your alliance with us is very important to solve the case, and make a wise decision. we just want to restore our family's friendship which broke with just a misunderstanding." She listened carefully and said, "What was the misunderstanding between them ?."

"My father was the one who saw one of your men kill one of your own just to steal that book, and lorenzo blamed it on my dad as he would never doubt his own men, and there was a mysterious girl around 14-15 who also witnessed this incident, do yo-" just as I was about to finish I looked up at her face. it turned pale, I knew something was wrong so I was about to ask but she said " I-I know - I know who she i-is."


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