🐵👦 ‖ MK x Y/N | Chapter One ‖ 👦🐵

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{ A/N }: This photo up here I made just took a picture of Mk and just edited it!

- Fun Tea Fact -

| Did you know that there are 1,5000 types of teas in the world! |

| And it also takes it takes a about 2,000 tiny leaves to make one pound of tea! |

Chapter One: The Job

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Y/N Pov:

I wake up to my to wake up, " Ugh, The hell? " I muttered I sat up on my bed turning to my clock reading 7:30am. Reading the clock made me remember at I have a job now well I will have job if I get there on time, Work is in an hour realizing this a went over to my closet to get dress. I found something good enough for a ' Frist day on the job ', " Honey, You up? You got work in 40 minutes! " I heard my mom yelled on the other side of the door.

" Yes, I know mom! " I yelled back, " That is no way to speak to your mother! " She said coming into my room " Sorry mom. " " Oh, my lord your hair is a mess! " She complained, " Yeah I know... " I muttered. " Fix your hair and then come down for breakfast. " She said leaving my room and closing the door, after she left, I went to my bathroom fixing my hair. Then leaving the bathroom to the kitchen " You excited for your job? " My dad asked putting the newspaper away when I sat down next to him at the kitchen island.

" Am nervous, you know it's been three months, and I don't want screw it up on the first day, you know? " I replied " Oh dear, you will be fine trust your mother. " she said passing me and my father a plate with. " Want anything to drink? " My mom asked "No am good! " I replied eating my French toast, " When do you need go? " " Oh, uh at 8:30am! " I replied " Oh then you should get going then it's 8:15am! " my mom added. " It is?! " I said looking at the stove clock I finished my French toast sadly I didn't have time to have any of the eggs, I rushed to the front door grabbing my backpack off the ground then

Work was about 10 minutes away; I ran as fast as my legs could carry me after a long run, I made it to the shop with only 3 minutes to spear! I stand there catching my breath and telling myself I got this. " Y/N? What are you doing here? " I jumped at the sound of my name I turned to the side to see Mk, " Oh hey Mk! I work here I guess; I mean today is my first day... " I rumbled.

Mk laughed at this, " No way, you're the new employee? " He asked me, " Uh yeah, wait you work here?! " " Well, yeah, I do as a deliver driver, " " Actually isn't that what you applied for? " He finished. " Well, I sort didn't applied for it he just gave me the job- ". " WHERE THE HECK IS MK, HE SHOULD BE HERE, HE'S A MINUTE LATE! ", A man yelled inside the shop, " Yikes looks like we better we get going, don't want to be fired on the first day! " I nervously laughed at this and followed him into the shop.

When I enter the shop, it was actually smaller than the outside, The walls were an off-white color, and the floor was a brown-reddish tilled. There was a small kitchen and on the other side were a couple of booths. There were only two people, A short pig wearing a chef uniform standing next to a man sitting at the bar stool,The man sitting on the bar stool had black hair and was wearing glasses a big red scarf with a red robe with one of the sleeves white and was eating some noodles, " Oh there you are Mk, you going tell me why your late? " The pig asked him the pig seemed pretty pissed.

" Sorry Pigsy , I was just talking to the new employee! " Mk said pointing at me, " Oh right we got a new employee today, my name is Pigsy the owner of this shop! " He said putting his hand out for a handshake " Nice to meet you Pigsy am Y/N! " I shook his hand. " We talked on phone that you will your new deliver driver, " " And am trusting Mk over here to teach you the ropes." He finished giving a glare at Mk. " I won't let you down Pigsy! " Mk said giving him a salute I laughed at this " Well let's introduce you to Mr. Tang! " He turned to me, I assumed it was the person sitting on the bar stool arguing with Pigsy.

We talked over to tang and pulled up some chairs, " But Pigsy - Oh hello Mk and...? " " Oh, am Y/N! " I replied " This is Mr. Tang one of my best buddy's! " Mk told me. " Oh, Hey Y/N could you give me some noodles? " Tang asked me, " Oh uh sure- " " Don't give this free loader anything Y/N, " Pigsy interrupted " And I told you Mk to show them how their job works, am still expecting you still deliver today! " He orders. " Yeah, yeah on it! ".

Mk Leaded me to the back of building were two am assuming delivery vehicle one looking more trashed then the other, " Here's the vehicle you get to drive " pointing to the point in better shape " Yikes, what happen to the other one? " I asked him. " Me crashing it one too many times..." He nervously laughed, " What? How times did you crash it?! " " Way too many times to count... " he replied scratching the back of his neck. " So how does this work? " I asked him, walking up to the vehicles, " Well, we get about 25-100 orders to deliver across the city! " He goes on.

" Cool so am assuming at the bags of noodles good in this bin? " I said pointing at the bin in the back, " Yup we keep the noodles in there! " " Nice, do we get lunch breaks? " I asked " Well, we sadly only get a break after we deliver all of the noodles... " He sighed at this " Well can't wait to get started, " " Uh actually could you show me how to do these delivers, I never done this before! " I rambled on, " Oh of course- " " Mk there you are! " I heard someone yelled.

I turned to see a girl running toward us, she had black hair with two small ponytails wearing a green hoodie, With a white shirt and white pants with also white shoes. " Oh, hey Mei! " Mk said waving at her, " Ooo, Who's this peach right here! " The girl asked Mk. " Oh this is Y/N, Y/N this is Mei my best friend! " " I thought Tang was. " once I said this Mei gave Mk a death glare " Oh uh- I can explain! ". Short story, Mei started beating up Mk for a while until Pigsy came out.

" What the heck going on here! " Pigsy asked pulling a kart full of noodle's, " Just a small fight between these two. " I said pointing at Mei and Mk still fighting. " Mk! Stop fighting and get delivering theses noodles! " Pigsy yelled " Yes sir! " Mk saluted " Anyway see yeah Mk catch you on your break? " Mei asked " Yeah we can go to the arcade! " " Can I come...? " I asked the two loading my vehicle. " Of course Y/N! " Mei said " Well you two better get going now. " Mei added " Yeah get to it kids! " Pigsy said leaving with Mei.

I helped Mk with loading his vehicle in total we had 100-150 noodles to deliver, " So just follow me for the first few deliveries then you can do the rest on your own! " He said hopping in his vehicle. I nodded and hopped into my vehicle and following behind Mk, we got to the first stop, I watched how Mk delivered the noodles then he came over to me " See it's that easy! " " All you do just find there order a give it to them simple! " Mk finished. " Yeah, I guess you're right, Sorry am just worried on messing up on the first day... " I said rubbing the back of my neck " Don't look so down, Let's make it a race first one who delivers all their noodles first wins! " he said " Alright then! Game on! " I said driving off " No fair! Am not even in my car! " I heard him yelled as I drove off laughing.

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* After Y/N finished her delivery's *

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Y/N Pov:

After I finished my last delivery, I headed back to the shop and when I arrived Mk wasn't there meaning I won! Anyway, when I walked inside Tang was there still fighting with Pigsy and at the booths I saw Mei sitting on the table on her phone, " Hey Mei what you doing? " I asked her. " Watching some dog videos want watch some with me? " She asked I said yes, and I took a seat next to her on the table and watched some dog videos with her, me and her laughed at the cute dogs and talked until Mk arrived.

" Mk over here! " I said waving my arms " Aww man looks like I lost.... " He said pulling up a bar stool, " Hey cheer up, since your back we can go to arcade, right? " I told him " Oh yeah! " " Hey Pigsy can we take our break we're done with delivery's! " Mk yelled. Pigsy sighed then nodded, " Great let's go! We got go now before it becomes too crowed! " Mei said jumping off the table and running out into the sidewalk. " Wait up for us! " Mk yelled grabbing my hand and following Mei.

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{ A/N }: 1,807 words, Sorry for the short/rushed ending 😓

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