🐵👦 ‖ MK x Y/N | Chapter Two ‖ 👦🐵

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{ A/N }: This photo up here is made by me just a bunch of photos from the show and a bit of editing in Canva!

-Fun Tea Fact -

| Did you know that there's six main types of tea, |

| There is, Black, Green, Oolong, White, Pu-erh and yellow! |

Chapter Two: The Arcade

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Y/N Pov:

Mk grabbed my hand and, pulled me out the shop running after Mei " Mei what up for us! " Mk yelled still pulling me, Mei luckily stopped at the bus and Mk slowed down " Not my fault your slow! " Mei said taking a seat and turning on her phone ( Probably watching dog videos ). " Pulse couldn't you use just your monkey king powers to catch up to me? " Mei added, " Well I couldn't just leave Y/N behind " Mk complained then taking a seat next to her ( Still holding my hand ) and pulled me down next to him " But you could also have used them to also grab Y/N, right? " Mei said. " Well, I- didn't think of that... " Mk mumbled.

" Uh, Mk you can let go of my hand now... " I muttered, " Oh! Sorry if I made you uncomfortable... " Mk said let going of my hand " Oh its fine! " I reassured him, after that it was just silence a few people came but it was just until the bus came. All three of us hopped on and took the back seat but, the seats were only two people seats, so I just sat next to Mk and Mei sat alone ( Poor Mei ), " So... Uh, what do you want to do at the arcade when we get there? " Mk turned to me.

It took me to a moment respond, thinking of things we could do together at the arcade, " Oh, maybe something we all can do together! " I replied " Mm, there isn't much we can all do... You scared of heights? " he asked me. " Well no? " " Great, then you will love the zero-gravity dance floor! " Mk smiled, " Excuse me, what? " " The zero-gravity dance floor? You have been there, right? " he asked me. " Well yes but uh I only been there five times... " I muttered looking out the window, I always wanted to go more to the arcade but at I never really had the money to go or the time.

I could feel Mk looking at me with, " You only been there five times?! " Mk said " Yup... " I turned to him with a straight face " Well then, Me and Mei here I will give you one of the best arcade experience! " He said with a cheerful smile, I too smiled the rest of the bus ride was me listening to music and Mk talking to Mei.

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* After The Bus Ride *

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Y/N pov:

We arrived at your stop, I was half asleep the time we arrived because it was a long bus ride about a 15 to 20 minutes long, " Hey Y/N, wake up were here let's go! " Mk tapped me on the shoulder, my eyes bolted open " God, yeah coming! " I said taking off my headphones and followed them to the small lobby area of the arcade I could see people flying in the distant assuming it was the dance floor. " 15 bucks for 300 points and... " Mei, I heard reading off the points to me, But I wasn't really paying attention I was taking in the view and there was a lot to take in this place was huge, " Earth to Y/N? " Mk snapped his fingers in front of me trying get my attention.

" What- What's happening? " I asked him " Mei paying for points, how many points you want? " Mk asked, " Oh uh, " I turned to the points screen, " Uh, 300! " I said to Mei " Haha, Funny I'll get you 5,000. " Mei laughed then turning to the machine to pay for the points. " 5,000?! No, Mei- " " Me and Mk promised to make this your best arcade experience! " Mei told me giving me and Mk your game cards, " We all have 5,000 points, Now let's go play! " Mei said running off once again, Then Mk grabbing me by the hand running after Mei.

LMK (Lego Monike Kid) ‖ LMK Characters X Y/N || Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now