🐵👦 ‖ MK x Y/N | Chapter Three ‖ 👦🐵

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{ A/N } : I just wanted to give a shoutout to for providing the transcript for season 1 episode 2 ' Duplication ' ! If it wasn't there then it would be a lot harder to make this chapter! ( Also this photo up here is from season 4 I didn't do anything fancy just took a photo )

-Fun Tea Fact -

| Did you know that Black and green tea is the most popular flavor in America! |

Chapter Three: Duplication

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Y/N pov:

Another day goes by this time, I wake up before my alarm screams in my ear, I pop up straight on my bed then turning my head to face my alarm with its big red numbers reading, 7:25am. Only five minutes before it was posted to go off, I turn off the alarm before it went off and hopped over to my dresser.

I changed into something comfy, since after these pass three days off working at the shop, they really don't care about how you dress. I grabbed my brush and brushed my hair and just left it down, Then I headed downstairs to meet my mother making French toast, but it was just my mother though my father must be out with his buddies. " Dad out this is buds? " I asked mother taking a seat at the kitchen island.

Mother turned to face me with two plates of three pieces French toast, " Yeah you just missed him, And your also up early then before. " My mother said giving me my plate of French toast then taking her seat next to me. " Oh, yeah, I guess I am I just like my job, I guess. " I said eating my food, " Yeah so, they tell you when you getting paid? " She asked " Oh yeah, Friday so today! " I said finishing my food.

I looked at the oven clock reading 7:36am, " I should get going mother see you later! " I said putting my plate away then rushing over the door picking up my backpack. " Bye sweetie! " I heard my mother said as I rushed down to the bus stop. I took a seat down and waited for the bus to come, after a while the bus zoomed down the street then stop at the bus stop.

I got on the and took my seat at the back by the window, reflecting on happen these past few days. I had gotten better at delivery speech and- my thoughts got interrupted from a huge beeping sound coming for the driver, anyway back to what I was saying, and I gotten closer with Mei and Mk. They seem like really cool people I been hanging out with them at the arcade after work hours well, whenever am done with deliveries at the shop.

I haven't talked to Mr. Tang much I mean only a couple times he keeps asking me to give him free noodles which I don't since that's what Pigsy said anyway, I realized I was at my stop I hopped off and headed to the shop before going in I check the time on my phone reading in my { F/C } 8:21am. I smiled knowing I wasn't late like yesterday, " Oh Y/N, you ready to finish your first week here? " I heard Mk said coming up to me I turned to face him " Yup, can't wait for the weekend! " Ismiled " Me too it been a long week of delivering and boat painting then hanging out with you and Mei... Oh and we don't get breaks on weekends... " Mk sighed he seemed pretty tired " Wait, wait we don't!? " I asked him.

He tiredly nodded then walked in to grab the orders we need, I left to the back to our delivery vehicle's. My eyes widened when I say Mk car it was in worst shape when the starting of the week. I was baffled of how someone could trash a car so bad and still drive it, I hear a squeaky sound of wheels behind me turned to see Mk pulling the kart of bags of noodles. " Whoa. Ok that's a lot of noodles! " I said staring at a good 200 to 250 bags of noodles.

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