🔥🌶 ‖ Redson x Y/N | Prologue ‖ 🔥🌶

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{ A/N } : This artwork up here is by on Tumbler

-Fun Tea Fact-

| Did you know, there are more than 1,500 types of teas in the world. |

Prologue : BET!

Description :

Y/N here, is a smart person and LOVES robotics, coding and programing. One day Y/N's sister Mei ( This plays a big part alright- ) tells them there's a robotics competition coming up in a few days. Y/N is excited and they can't flipping wait so they go to sign up but runs into a demon named Redson...

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Y/N Pov:

I wake up to my sister coming into my room, " Helloo.... " She trailed of seeing my head down on my desk half a sleep, I turn my head over her. I heard her sigh " You stayed up all night didn't you. " I tiredly nodded, she faced palm then leans on the door, " You got stop doing this. " she said. She right I really need to stop staying up all night working on million small projects at once. " Yeah... I know... " I mumbled turning my head back.

I could feel her giving me a look, " That's it am burning the coffee machine! " She chuckle running to the kitchen. My head went up so fast, " DON'T YOU DARE!!! " I yelled pushing my chair to the door yelling down the hall. " THEN STOP!! " I heard her yelled from the kitchen, I sighed, but she was right this wasn't healthy. " FINE!! " I yelled back, she ran back to my room coffee machine in hand, " You promise~? " She said in a sort of high pitch voice.

I sighed, " I promise. " I give her a small smiled and she returned one too, She hold out her hand making a fist leaving her pinky finger out, " Pinky promise? " her smile got a bit bigger. " Pinky promise! " I chuckled a bit, " Now put the coffee machine back! " She smiled walking back to the kitchen. I rolled back to my desk closing the door on the way, I sit there for a bit thinking, thinking about how these pass few months have been.

I turn to my calendar standing up grabbing the pencil form my hair crossing yesterday off, then sat back down on my chair. Spinning to the drawer on my left pulling it open and taking my planner out see what was on todays agenda. I placed my journal on my desk opening it to todays date, " Lets see... " I mumbled to myself reading over my planner I see that me and Mei had to go meet up with Mk and Tang at 9:30am. My eyes go over to my clock on my desk and it reading 9:20am flashing in my F/C.

My eyes widen, I quickly got up running to my dresser tripping over small gadgets and parts on the way. Then I hear my sister knocking at my door. " Don't come in am getting changed!! " I yelled changing out my work wear and putting on a top " Alright, you all most ready?! " I barely heard her through the door. " Yep almost!! " I yelled back changing into a pair of pants, I see that my hair is messed up, luckily I made a gadget just for this, I grabbed it from off of my dresser punch into the style I want and put it over my head.

I turned it on a buzz sound came out of the gadget then started to do my hair. Once it finished I took it off and ran out of the room to meet my sister at the front door. " Ready! " I let out a small sigh then put on a smile, " Wonderful. I heard a buzz sound, and your hair looks amazing am amusing the machine worked? " She asked " Yup I told you it would. " " Don't you dare use ' I told you so ' card. ". " Right, right... " I chuckled, " Since were so its so close to 9:30 mind making a portal? " She asked, I sighed.

Ever since I found a book at mom and dads house, I been seeing weird images of F/C dragons and gotten cool powers and one of those is making portals out fin air. " Sis, we just found the book three weeks ago. I barely know how to even use my new powers. " " And another thing- " She put her pointer finger up to my mouth tell me to shush. " But~! " She smiled " You do have a good grasp on how to make portal's right? Unless your lying to your sister? " She smiled knowing I rarely lie to her.

LMK (Lego Monike Kid) ‖ LMK Characters X Y/N || Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now