Chapter 7: Arrival

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"Will? Are you alright?" Alyss stepped up the small steps to where Will was standing alone at the outermost tip of the bow of the wolf-ship and staring out at the vast sea, towards the direction in which they expect the first sighting of the Hallasholm coast to appear. It had been several days since they had left Skorghijl behind, and it was expected for them to arrive any day now.

Will said nothing in response, only continued staring at the vast and seemingly empty sea.

"Will," Alyss said softly, "I know you've told us that you've let the whole Skandian thing go, but somehow I doubt that that is true. Do you want to talk to me about it? It would make you feel better."

Will shook his head and turned to look at his wife. "It is nothing, honestly. I don't feel any resentment or pain, it's more of a memory, something that has been engraved in my head, became a part of me. This place, these waters, they just bring back the memories of that fated time. And for some reason, it makes me feel strong, in that I have conquered the fears of that time and became the man I am now."

Alyss smiled and wrapped her arms around his, letting her head lay on his shoulder. She was taller than him, but it had never stopped her from leaning on him. "Memories, so often, they mean so much for us, does it not? Do you remember...when we were still children, back there at the Ward? Do you remember how we used to play ball with Baron Arald?"

Will grinned. "So much has changed, yet so much has also stayed the same. I think, in a childish way, I have always loved you, even then."

Alyss laughed softly, a musical sound the tingled in the air. "Of course. Why should there be any doubt of that? You've always been an important part in my life, Will Treaty."

"I love you, Alyss," Will whispered, as he kissed her forehead gently.

"Will! Are you coming down for lunch or not?" Halt's voice, rather irritated, sounded from somewhere close to the ladders leading below decks. "They've been calling you to come down for ten minutes."

"Coming!" Will said. Reluctantly, Alyss straightened herself and led Will toward the ladders, still hand in hand with him.

"Everyone's waiting for you two," Halt grumbled. "And we've thought to use this meal as a quick planning session, too. What with us almost arriving soon."

"You know, that sentence was kind of redundant?" Alyss pointed out wryly. "You don't exactly say 'soon' usually after just saying 'almost'."

"Have you ever regretted marrying a Courier?" Halt said to Will, with an exasperated sigh.

"Never." Will proclaimed. "But I suppose that that could also be due to the fact that I never make any of those verbal mistakes you do," he added smugly.


"Land ho!!!!" The look-out's voice carried over the entire wolf-ship. Almost immediately, the deck was filled with men trying to see Hallasholm for themselves. For most of the crew, obviously, this was going home, but for the two Courier members of the Araluan party and the young knight who had traveled with them, it was seeing a whole new country that they had never been to. Halt and Will looked on with mild amusement at the apparent joy and pleasure in the eyes of everyone else.

"We have arrived." Alyss said, coming to take Will's hand.

"So we have." He replied with a grin. "And now we can officially start."

"For some reason, I doubt that it would be a small matter. I have a bad feeling. And Araluans would not usually be the ones to cause much trouble, unless there is something seriously wrong. Especially considering that these were all willing volunteers who knew full well that these are Skandians they're dealing with." Hat said grimly.

Will nodded thoughtfully. "Somehow I think you'll be right on this."

"I usually am."

"You just couldn't resist that, could you? I was honestly being serious there."

"So am I." Halt managed to keep a straight face even as he said this.

Will rolled his eyes. Pauline, who was walking towards them and had just caught the last few comments, sighed and said, "Just ignore him, Will. Sometimes he's intolerable."

"I know that. And I imagine that being his apprentice for five years also helped with that."

Halt snorted and muttered something under his breath.

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