Dinner time (page 7)

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(Max is 4 now making ruby 14)

Ozzie POV
...he would sit down and start eating clearing not liking the silence he clears her throat so you two do anything today

Rubys POV
Nope what about you Max

Max's POV -----------------------------------------------------------

Umm yes you did something really important your were talking to your friends about your cru-

Rubys POV
----------------------------------------------------------- she Puts her hand oh Max's mouth anyways dad did you do anything important today she stays clearly nervous

Ozzie POV
---------------------------------------------------------- first thing get your hands off your brother and let him talk

Rubys POV
She takes her hands off of Max's mouth what is so important about what he has to sa-

Maxs POV -----------------------------------------------------------
He cuts off his sister and goes back to what he was going to say what I was going to say is that ruby was oh her phone talking to friend's about her crush

no ones POV

-------------------------------------------------------- fizz would look anyways clearly not wanting Ozzie to make him talk to her after dinner but instead Ozzie would just stare at ruby with a slightly pissed face that slowly calms down as he reminds himself that shes growing up and she will have crushed

Ozzie POV
He inhales ruby could you please tell me who this Guy is

Rubys POV
-----------------------------------------------------------.... well it's not a guy

Ozzie POV
----------------------------------------------------------hm keep talking

Rubys POV
-----------------------------------------------------------it's a girl and it's blitzø and stoals daughter

Fizz's POV -----------------------------------------------------------
He starts choking on his food not expecting that but soon the food goes down well umm that was a good conversation anyways let's all stop talking and let's just go back to eating

No ones POV -----------------------------------------------------------
Soon they finish dinner and quickly put their plates and the sink and Walk away

Max's POV -----------------------------------------------------------
max starts running clearly knowing if Ruby bumps into him he's done for he shuts the door to his room

Rubys POV
she goes to her room just becoming too scared of Ozzie and not wanting to have the birds and the bees talk

Ozzie POV
----------------------------------------------------------he goes to the bathroom to get ready to go to sleep

Fizz's POV -----------------------------------------------------------
He goes on his phone and calls blitzø....pick pick pick up oh hi blitzø

Blitzø: hi fizz do you have a reason you be fucking calling me

Fizz: oh yeah I have a question does your daughter have any crushes

Blitzø: that a hella weird question to ask but yep why you ask

Fizz: I'll tell you after you answer this one last question you know are daughters are really really really close friends we just found out Ruby likes her so maybe charile does too if she let her so close to her

Blitzø: fizz that the actually smartest shit I've ever heard I'll ask her when I get the chance now I'm gonna to fucking sleep

Fizz: he chuckles good nice blitzø he hangs up the phone and goes to put ruby to bed because Ozzie is are ready putting max to bed

-----------------------------------------------------------(editors note)
Told ya big drop also I was too lazy to write this but ruby met Charlie at a meeting with Ozzie and stoals and Plus they go to school with each other

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