Chapter 13

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Douma smirked as Maki decided to pace in front of them as Kotoha leans on his shoulder, the two sitting on a couch. His eyes were drifting to his songbird, her heart sounding odd. It was like being in constant panic.

It wasn't him, hopefully, so what was it?

Her hand was clutching his and burying into his jacket that he had shoplifted. Oh, how he wants to purr but there are some intruders that are trying to watch his every move.

Those idol mates of hers only look away when he glances in their direction, not noticing how his eyes go blank and his smirk drops for the briefest of moments before he puts it back up when Maki passes.

Maki whips around at him, grinding her teeth at the gossip he may have stirred with his presence. For he made something public and with how outstanding he was, the gossip won't leave.

"We will talk about this later."

Mitsuri, Obanai, and Kyojuro watch as Giyuu catches Shinobu before she could drop kick the tv as they watch the one they saved end up in the arms of a stranger.

That stranger had Shinobu foaming at the mouth as she threw a finger at the man.

"IT'S HIM!!" She still didn't know his damn name but knowing how cocky he acts in the brief encounter she had with him, he would use his own name with no consequences.

Security leads the Birds of Paradise to their own vehicles for private transport away from the paparazzi.

Douma started purring when Kotoha climbed into his lap. Only the moment was bittersweet like her tears that start to spill.

"Douma, I'm so glad you're okay." His arms are firm around her, nuzzling into her hair as she cried and soaked his shirt. He kisses her head and holds her as they went to her home.

Her apartment was nice, not to the quality he would have her as a matriarch of his heart but it'll do for now. From what he had seen, it was on the better side of town.

The walls were thicker from what his hearing was picking up so perfect for nights when he wants Kotoha to scream-

"Douma." They had barely gotten into the apartment when she takes hold of his head, moving every which way, checking for injuries that wouldn't be there.

"Kotoha~" He smiles and takes hold of one hand to kiss before making his way up her arm. Her hands find his hair when his hands slip to her hips.

Their kiss was a hunger, a need to know the other was there and he gladly ate up the attention his songbird was giving him. He leads them to her couch, falling onto it with her on top of him. It was a few minutes like that till she pulls away, breathing heavily again and falling against his shoulder.

There it was again, it could easily be exhaustion of everything but-

"Douma...I have something to tell you." His love sits up, her lovely eyes finding his colorful ones and he can read that they had hesitation.

His eyes twinkle as he reaches up to hold her cheek.

"You can tell me anything, Kotoha-chan." Kotoha swallows thickly, opening her mouth, and goes to speak.

Only her doorbell rings, followed by the banging of her door. Douma lifts his head to see, trying to train his hearing on who could possibly be interrupting his precious time with his love. Kotoha is getting off him and he is sitting up focusing on what he could listen to.

His hearing was picking up a woman's voice.

"Stop, we don't know anything-" Kotoha opens the door and the demon shifts to the rapid steps that pass her and come straight towards him.

His grin comes forth because he knows that angry expression but the eyes and hair are different.

The punch that lands on his chin was the same if only weaker because it was delivered by a human instead of a demon.

He lands on the floor, his fangs digging into his cheek and blood comes forth.

The man that looks much like his best buddy comes and delivers a kick to his stomach.

"YOU BASTARD, YOU GOT KOTOHA PREGNANT !!!" Everything freezes for a moment because the next kick lands into his family jewels.

Now that hurt.

Enough for Douma to curl on himself, hearing Kotoha and coming in front of Akaza who was about to serve another kick.

"Hakuji, stop! I didn't tell him!" Douma breathed out, grateful for his healing ability, and sat up, clutching them for a moment more.

Then he is forgetting his pain as his mind goes blank as he recalls the words spat at him. He looks up, watching a huffing Hakuji, another young woman holding Hakuji back, and his love kneeling in front of him, going to hold his face.

"Eh?" Was all he could say for a second as the gears in his mind tried to make sense of what was already said. The events that happened with his songbird at the interview and what it could have actually been.
"Kotoha-chan, we are having a baby?" Douma was soon smiling, watching as his songbird starts to tear up. She nods and he pulls her into a hug, kissing her cheek and declaring his love again into her ear as she once again cries into his shoulder.

From over his love's shoulder, he watches as Hakuji does a sliting-the-throat motion, glaring straight into his soul. He only nods, smiling all the while because he isn't worried at all.

Coming to Tokyo was the best fate to happen to him yet.

Maki was dreading the phone call she gets near the end of the day only for it to turn into a get business deal.

Someone wanted to be a producer for Kotoha's music.

He sets the phone down and sighs. His lungs burn with each breath he takes.

Hopefully, soon, the pain will end.

Yeah, Hakuji seems like someone who wouldn't hesitate to kick Douma in the balls.



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